''Oh how the jays jabber.''

Start from the beginning

She pulled her spear out.

Potato was shaking as Finnick talked to her but--"FINNICK!!!"


"No, no, no, stop!!" Bera was losing her mind here!

"Finnick for fuck's sake!" Potato was faster to put herself in his way, a hand on his chest.

"It's not her Finnick, it is jabberjays! Jabberjays!!"

"Listen to here, we need to head back out of here, now!"


Her breath was stuck in her through, looking over her shoulder, eye darting around the trees.

"James?!" She yelled back but didn't take off running, just snapping her head around.

"Jabberjays copy Katniss! They got these sounds from them! The real people!"

A bird swopped down, almost hitting Bera in the face if she didn't swat it out of the air with her spear.

And that's how the screaming started.

"Go go go!! To the beach!!" She screamed, covering her head as Finnick grabbed Potato and ran ahead.

Even through all the deafening screaming, Bera could still make out exactly those meant for her.

"Help!!" Valerius' broken voice begged.

"Save me!!" Cecelia sobbed in her ears.

"Bera!!" Came Woof, sounding like in agony.

"Don't let me die!!" James implored her.

"Why bring me into this?!" Even V pleaded with her.

"No!!" Jess bellowed in pain.

"Why?!" Begged Dawn for an answer.

Her throat was tight, her vision focused ahead of her, at Peeta's wild gestures.

"Wait!!" She tried screaming but she got drowned out, first Finnick impacting the wall following by Potato.

They were locked in this sector.

Potato screaming so loud, in so much pain, Finnick was just hyperventilating, hitting head head to the wall.

Bera dropped to her knees between them, grabbing their heads and pressing them against her, hands over the still exposed ears.

Eye screwed shut, biting her tongue so hard she tasted blood. She held them tight, tight, tight, she was probably hurting them but probably less then hearing these screams next to their ears as neither of them fought to get away from her.


"Cecelia, V, Valerius, they are alive, the rest are dead."

That was the little mantra she repeated to herself to not go mad through the screams crowding her mind and piercing her ears.

She could still hear them as she opened her eyes, someone carefully moving her arms.

She still heard them as Peeta was whispering something to Potato, as Beetee was rubbing Finnick's back and was Johanna snapped her fingers in front of her face, trying to get her attention.

Bera sat there completely unresponsive as Katniss freaked out, Johanna would prefer seeing Bera have an outburst currently instead of staring at like, hypnotized. 

"Stop screaming, your sister it fine, you fiance it correct you know?" Johanna barked, shocking Katniss into silence. "Bera can bring on riots in the Capitol but it takes work but your sister, a girl they didn't see for two minutes would bring it all crashing down, riots and protests, buildings in ashes and cinders, simply if she were to sniffle so stop screaming, she is not hurt, she's in district 12."

"Are are right you know?" Beetee said, helping Finnick stand. "Johanna and Peeta, I bet the Capitol is already unhappy the Bera was hurt but hearing your sister's screams? They are probably editing that part out as we speak and probably censoring what we are saying."

"They are huh?" Johanna walked away, staring at the sky. "In that case fuck you Snow! You want riots? This is how you get them! You know you can't lock every body in here! No matter how displeased you are!"

Katniss blinked.

How didn Johanna not get struck down?

"What?" She asked, feeling more drained after screaming then throughout the whole games until now. "There is no one left out there that I love, my punishment is this monumental quell! All my friends! All those I could ever care for! All of us in this jungle of death!" She sighed. "I'll go get water." She grumbled, walking away.

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