𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 30

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Jungkook must be exhausted from the last few days because he falls asleep quickly after we have sex and I don't have the heart to wake him.

He deserves a rest before we leave. I run my fingers through his long, dark hair as I stare at his face. He's so handsome sometimes it's hard to look at him. Jeon jungkook is perfect for me. I fit into his world, no matter how small it is.

I've always belonged here. It doesn't matter to me if we have to get a tent and live in the woods. As long as we're together,
everything else will fall in line.

I press a soft kiss to his forehead before breathing him in. He's been through so much it hurts me to think about what that bitch Seomi put him through. Even keeping the abuse out of it, it was not his job to take care of me. It was hers and she made him feel like I wouldn't be taken care of if he didn't do it himself.

He spent fourteen years planning an escape from prison to come back for me. Knowing him, that probably means he hasn't had a decent sleep in well over a decade. Jungkook has true dedication, something no one else could possess. It's a gift and a curse.

"I love you," I whisper against his hairline, but he doesn't stir at all. I hope his subconscious mind picked up on it though. He doesn't need to consciously remember me saying it.
I carefully move off the palette and grab his shirt from the floor since he ruined mine. I really liked that shirt, too.

I slip it over my head before sneaking out of his room. The soft whimpering and scratching echoes from down the hall and I'm tempted to sneak and see what this surprise could be,but I'll wait for Jungkook. That's not the point of me sneaking out of bed. I have another purpose.

I'm careful as I walk down the stairs, careful not to let it creak too loudly, before heading down the hall. I stop in front of the basement door, pick up the lantern Jungkook left here, and I throw open the door. Walking down the steps, I'm careful to make sure I don't step on anything that can hurt my feet. Jungkook would probably lose his shit if I hurt myself.

Overprotective ass. I'm not going to die if I get a splinter. Yet, the man will cut my tongue himself and be completely fine with it.

He may be a weirdo, but he's all mine.

I hold up the lantern as my dad screams through the duct tape over his mouth. His eyes are held open with clamps and his head is tied to a piece of wood holding his head in place. I move in front of him and do my best to remove the clamps without hurting him before moving onto the wood around his head and finally the duct tape.

"Aurora, thank god! I'm so glad you're-"

"Shh!" I press my hand over his mouth before whispering.

"Jungkook is asleep and these walls are thin. You need to be quiet."

He slowly nods before looking up to the floor above us. "My phone is in my pocket. He never took it off me. Take it out and call Mrs. Forrester. She'll be faster." If

frown. "She's dead, Dad."

His eyes widen and the color drains from his face. "What?"

"Jungkook killed her. He killed Mrs. Rolon, too."

His face falls, so many emotions passing through his expression, before he lets out a ragged breath. "Who else?"

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