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I 'm only mildly nervous to push open the door. I squeeze her hand and throw open the door before holding it for her. I have no idea what she was expecting to find in here, but I guarantee it was nothing like this, like the bodies lined up against the wall like trophies in a glass case.

She strolls inside the room and her eyes roam across all the faces, but she doesn't say a single word. She doesn't even seem surprised to see the corpse of the vendor here instead of at the coroner's office.

However, her eyes are glued to the head on the table, Lisa's hair covering her face. Trixie swallows hard before she asks, "Who's head is that?"

My eyes narrow because I know my girl is not going to be happy about what I did to Lisa. She already chose me over the Lieutenant who is probably still screaming in the basement. So what if she's mad? I did what I had to do.

"Jungkook?" she presses when I don't answer, growing frustrated.

"A very shitty friend of yours," I say honestly. I've paid attention to a lot of things concerning her, including what her friends do and don't do.

Alexis is always there for her. However, Lisa was too selfish to be a good friend to anyone, let alone my girl.

"Give me a name. I've had a lot of shitty friends over the years," she mutters as she crosses her arms at me, waiting for me to speak.

"Lisa Ruelle." Her gaze quickly snaps back to the severed head on the table and her fingers shake.

"Lisa?" her voice trembles as she walks closer to her friend's head. Then, she lifts her hand and pushes the hair out of Lisa's face, gettinga good look at what I did to her. That's the funny thing about the eyes, nose, and mouth.

Without those things, you can't tell who someone is. Lisa no longer looks like herself, which is probably a good thing for Trixie.

My instinct is to protect her from everything dark, including me and the things I have done, but my girl doesn't shy away from it. She seems to embrace everything that resides in the shadows.

She stares at Lisa's face for a minute before she drops her hair to cover her face.

"Who are they?" She points to the first two bodies in the corner, curiosity in her eyes.

"Your birth parents, the Rothchild's." Her eyes widen before she looks at the two who sit leaning against each other. It was fitting to add them to my collection. They put themselves above their daughter too many times not to earn their place here.

"Oh" is her only reaction. The sound is monotonous as she walks in front of each body, placing every other face she sees.
"These are all the people you've killed since you escaped?"

she asks before she turns to face me, tilting her head in question. Curious little thing.

"Yes. All of them had a reason." That seems to be important to her-my motives. She'll make excuses for the things I do as long as she thinks it was deserved or necessary.

"What was the reason?" she asks, but I notice the way she rubs her thighs together. She was taught to be moral, but her body enjoys how crazy I am.
She has a thing for dead bodies. She gets so horny anytime she sees one, especially one that was murdered as viciously as my victims. She can try to hide it all she wants, but I know how desperate she is to be fucked.

Soon, pretty girl.

I walk over to the line of bodies and start at the Rothchilds. "They gave you away," I say before taking a step toward the next body on the wall.

"Andrea Rolon," I state the bitch's name. "Not only was she your school's counselor, but before... that she was a social worker, the same one who... did everything to hide you from me."

Her eyes move down to the body at my feet, the color draining from her face. "Mrs. Rolon knew. She made it sound like she thought I was crazy but...she knew the truth this whole time?"My eyes narrow.

No one should ever make her feel that way. Just hearing her say that makes me want to bring the bitch back to life just so I can kill her again.

We move onto the next body. "Aurora Forrester. She was the other cop who separated us," I say as she moves into my side.

She probably knew her principal used to be the lieutenant's partner, but I doubt she knew about her involvement in how things went down.
I throw my arm around her shoulder as hers go around my midsection, holding me tight to her.

I go through the rest of my kills, giving her my logic behind their gruesome deaths, but when I reach Mrs. Sullivan, I stop."Jungkook," she whispers as she squeezes me.

I sigh. "She had to die. She would've looked for you. Same goes for Lisa." She's silent for a moment. I can almost hear her thoughts racing in the room, vibrating off the walls from how loud they are.

"Okay." She finally speaks before turning to me.

"Okay?" What is that even supposed to mean?

She smirks before a laugh falls from her lips. "I get it. I don't like it, but I understand why you did this. You did this for me...for us." She takes a deep breath before leaning into me, running her hands up my chest. "Can we try to dull down on the amount of dead bodies once we leave?"

I can't help the laugh that falls from my lips. "No promises." As long as people keep fucking with my girl, there will be a trail of bodies behind us. Get in our way and people will die. She is all that really matters. I take her hand and lead her out of the room, but when we make it to the door leading to the basement, I smirk.

I really hope she didn't notice the camera monitor I had set up in there. I don't think she would agree with the first part of the lieutenant's torture.

"Wait right here," I say before I pull open the door and walk down into the basement. It only takes me a moment to stabilize his head and strap it in place so he can't look away from the monitor I have set up.

He screams the entire time, especially when I grab the clamps I stole from an eye doctor's office in town just for this spectacle. I lock them in place over his eyelids to make sure he can't look away or close his eyes before glancing at the screen in front of him.

I'm so glad it runs on batteries.My girl won't be happy if she figures out that I set up a camera in my room just so he would be forced to witness me claim what is mine.

He tried to keep her from me. Now, he has to see me take her back.

 Now, he has to see me take her back

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