Dressed in the creepy costume, Justin runs from behind a corner shoving her in the chest with the handle of an umbrella, making her flop backwards against the wall, dropping the weapon. When he backs up from her to slide the mask off, she kneels down trying to grab the pistol but he tackles her like a football player, making them both fall down on the kitchen hardwood floor.

The back of her head hits the tile pattern floor. She grunts, pressing a palm against her forehead, scrunching up her face in agony.

Justin straddles her holding the voice changer box in front of his mouth. "What's the matter, Mia? You're really pale. It looks like you seen a ghost."

"Why?" She's out of breath. "Why are you doing this?"

He shrugs nonchalantly. "Why have a motive? It's way scarier when there isn't one. Did Norman Bates have one? I don't think so. Or what about Hannibal Lector? Why did he eat people? What was his motive?"

"Those are movies you fucking psychopath. You killed innocent people! You killed your girlfriend and your friends!" She's responds weakly feeling a sharp pain in her head.

Justin pauses while lowering the voice box, looking at her with humor in his eyes which suddenly turns to sorrow. "Kennedy, that whore was sleeping with Luke behind my back. I caught them fucking in my bed! Now, the others," he shrugs. "I hated them. Walked around like their shit didn't stink. Oh, it was so much fun killing them. Especially Chloe."

His harsh chuckles spreads goosebumps all over Mia's skin as she looks up at him while sneakily grabbing a fork off the floor.

"Can I tell you something?" She asks innocently.

"Yeah." His face softens.

She lifts her head up off the floor, glaring at him. "Game over. You lose." Then stabs the fork in his cheek.

Justin wails, rolling off her and she stumbles on her feet hearing Jung Kook and Mickey's voices and footsteps running in the far distance.

"I'm in the kitchen!" She yells for them, standing near the island with her back turned.

Justin pops up behind her, pulling the fork out of his face, groaning while doing so and she turns around with her mouth agape, eyes larger than usual. He then tosses the utensil on the floor and clasps his hand around her neck, slamming her back on top of the island, knocking food and drinks on the floor. 

"I'm gonna fucking kill you!" Slamming a beer bottle on the counter, he raises the sharp broken glass while she covers her face with her arms.

Someone shoots him in the chest.

Mia removes her arms and sits up on her elbows staring at him in shock as he's stumbling backwards, a blank look on his bruised face as a hole in his chest bleeds through the black cloak. Blood pours from his closed lips as he drops the broken bottle, falling against the fridge, sliding down to his bottom, lowering his head.

Liam groans in the entryway, sliding down to the floor still holding the gun when Mia hops off the island and kneels before him. "I can't believe you're still alive."

"Sort of," he smiles weakly, shifting on the floor with his back against a wall, covered in blood. Jung Kook and Mickey runs inside the kitchen after hearing the gunshot.

"After not seeing you for the rest of the night I thought you were dead too." She holds one of his hands.

"Mia!" Jung Kook wraps her in a tight hug when she stands up but then yelps, clutching his wounded arm.

"You made it! Oh, I'm so glad to see you." Mickey kneels down in front of Liam, holding his face in her palms, smiling at him.

Smiling back, he holds one of her palms. "Glad to see you too, Mick."

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