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"Hello?" Ashley stands at the front desk, repeatedly tapping on the tiny bell while looking around the empty lobby. "Is anyone here?" The sound of the elevator dinging down the hall around the corner startles her. Trudging down the hallway smacking on a piece of gum her path comes to an halt when she trips on a pair of legs spread across the floor.

Falling to her knees she lets out a soft moan and then rolls on her bottom, staring back at the dead police officer and the receptionist who both have been stabbed to death. Blood covers the entire floor behind the desk as well. Ashley screams, crawling backwards from the deceased but she freezes when her back bumps into someone. Shivering with tears falling down her cheeks she slowly looks up and then screams again seeing Ghost Face staring back at her ominously with his head tilting sideways.

Quickly, she jumps on her feet and runs down the hall towards the elevators doors that are opening and shutting repeatedly. Stopping in her tracks to take a look inside the elevator, she screams again with her palms against her cheeks at the horrific scene in front of her of three nurses lying on the floor in blood and stabbed marks. Screaming again, she ducks just in time when the killer appears next to her swinging the knife very close towards her head. Ashley cries while running up the emergency staircase with the murderer very closely behind.

Kristen exits the emergency staircase, trudging down the hall with her phone beside her right ear, trying to reach anyone to know about their whereabouts but her call won't go through. "Shit," standing in the middle of the hall, she jumps almost a foot in the air when a hand touches her right shoulder. Liam whose been stabbed, bumps sideways against the wall and slides down to his bottom grimacing as pain floods throughout his entire body with blood pouring from the deep wound in his right shoulder where Ghost Face have left a mark.

"Oh, fuck! Liam, what happened to you?" She slides her phone down inside her back pocket and then kneels in front of him while he's squeezing his eyes shut with one hand holding his wounded shoulder.

"The killer's here. I ran into him on the first floor and he stabbed me but I got away." Liam's face beams in sweat as he groans in pain with his black and white stripped shirt sticking to his chest as a huge red mark fades through the fabric.

Kristen begins to panic. "Have you seen Mia or any of the others? I tried calling them but the reception seems to be down,"

Liam shakes his head no, groaning with blood slipping through his fingers. "The phones are down as well. The emergency exits are chained up and the lobby doors aren't opening anymore. He got us on lockdown." A high piercing scream echoes somewhere out of distance, startling them both. "Who was that?"

"I don't know," Kristen wraps his good arm over her shoulder and then helps him on his feet. "But we gotta find the others and find a way out of here."

"Sounds like a plan," Liam's out of breath as he limps.

"First things first, let's get you patched up." Kristen pushes a door open and then helps him inside an empty shared office that has two desktops. Liam groans, sitting in a chair while she's roaming inside the cabinets for a first aid kit after shutting and locking the door.

Finding one at the very last second just before giving up out of frustration, she sighs in relief finding bandages in a drawer. "That cut looks really deep so you're gonna need stitches but for right now these bandages will have to do,"A loud bang hits against the door and then the window, scaring them both. Frightened, someone repeatedly bangs on the window and twists the doorknob, desperately wanting to get inside.

"Let me in! Please!" Cameron panics on the other side of the window smearing blood on the glass. Kristen hurries towards the door but stops moving with an shocked expression on her face seeing his palms soaked in red as well as the lower half of his shirt. "Come on, Kris! Please, let me in. The killer is out here!" He pleads while she stares at him with wide eyes.

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