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I held my hand out, admiring the large emerald that sat elegantly on my ring finger. Diamonds were popular among muggles, but wizards didn't have a set standard for engagement rings, and the green gem matched my ribbon so perfectly that it was the clear choice.

"It looks good on you." My lover purred as he strolled in from the laboratory, taking in my form that was still lazing on his bed.

"Yes, you chose well." I winked, enjoying his heated stare. It had been a month since Severus had proposed, and last night he had finally given me a ring. He couldn't stop toying with it, adoring how it looked on my hand, his possessive nature satisfied that I wore yet another symbol of him.

It was a Saturday, and we were getting ready to go visit my parents for the first time since our relationship had been made public. One of Dumbledore's stipulations for allowing us to be together was that I tell my parents as soon as possible.

"You will not treat this as a dirty secret. If you are to be together and still employed, you will present yourselves honorably, and with her parent's approval, Severus." The headmaster had spoken sternly. "I will not be accused of allowing affairs and debauchery by angry parents."

He made a good point, though it didn't give me time to mentally prepare for telling my quiet and meek parents that not only was I in a relationship with my professor, but that I was marrying him. I decided it was best I tell them on my own since it was all so sudden and I wasn't sure how they would react. Of course, they were speechless, twin looks of shock frozen on their faces.

After a long conversation where they grilled me relentlessly and I reassured them over and over again that I truly loved Severus and wasn't making a mistake, they could finally breathe again. They knew I was level-headed and not easily swayed by people so they understood my announcement was respectable and sound. They were still concerned due to his age and employment, but over time they would settle.

"We know you're a smart girl Iris. If you are to marry him, he'll be a proper member of this family." My mother smiled, her eyes so much like my own in the afternoon sunlight.

When I brought Severus over to meet them, I could tell he was uncomfortable with their kindness, but he impressed me with his charm. It took some time for him to ease up but by the end of the night, we were all having a great time and the feeling was light and joyful. I assumed it would have been awkward but I couldn't have been more grateful for the parents I had been given, accepting Severus as my husband-to-be, and welcoming him into our family.

Besides telling my parents, Dumbledore had several other requirements for us to follow.
"No physical affection of any kind, at least for now. When it's less of a shock, we can modify things. No arguing in front of the students, of course, all personal conflict will be kept separate from your teaching." So far the headmaster's rules were reasonable and made sense. If we were to be the first teachers to marry, I'm sure it was imperative he handled this all properly.
"No living together until you are married, or if you are, be discreet." While I blushed, I could feel Severus's smugness through the bond. "If you require larger quarters, I'd be happy to arrange that. We have plenty of room. Will you be having children anytime soon?"

Severus and I both looked at each other wide-eyed. Besides the night we had gotten back together, we hadn't discussed babies at all. I think he knew I would want them, but I wasn't sure about his stance.

"You wish to marry, but haven't even spoken of one of the most fundamental parts of marriage." Dumbledore raised a bushy eyebrow, looking very unimpressed.

"It will be a ways off." Severus finally answered, his words surprising me. We would definitely be having a more in-depth discussion of our future after this meeting.

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