Chapter 30

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A mixture of need and dread filled my gut as I made my way down to Severus's chambers after changing my dress and grabbing the books I needed to return to him. I didn't want to have to tell him Sirius was here, that I'd spoken with him. He was going to be livid, but as I'd seen in the past, he would end up using that energy on me in the best way.

It was early enough that the talking portraits were still conversing, filling the stone corridors that radiated a chill so harsh from the winter snow I was shivering. I had blocked Sirius from my mind and hadn't allowed myself much time to think of him especially since Severus had been occupying it so much. His mysterious appearance shook me and made me feel things I didn't want to, that I hadn't addressed. On top of that, there were so many unanswered questions about the relationship between the two wizards. I was still getting to know Severus so I didn't fault him for not telling me the intimate details of his entire life, but I wondered if he would now divulge or continue to keep it to himself.

As I neared the potions room and whispered "golden root" to open the door, I thought I heard some shuffling. I peered around the hallways, trying to see if there was a student out of bed, or maybe Filtch passing through, but I saw nothing. Thoroughly creeped out, I hurried into the potions room, speeding towards Severus's office and into his chambers.
He was standing at his kitchen island and looked up from his glass of red wine in surprise.

"Iris, your back early." His eyebrow shot up, midnight eyes narrowing when he saw how agitated I was. His slim digits tightened around his glass before setting it down.
"What is it?"

There was no hiding anything from him so I just ripped the bandage off, stating plainly,
"Sirius Black was at Hogsmeade tonight."

Outrage wrapped around me, like his feelings were infiltrating my mind. I stepped back at the jolt of emotions, one that I knew I was not experiencing at that moment. They were his, coming through the bond.

Severus strode over, jaw clenching, spine straightening, his handsome face taking on an air of malice, an aura glowing red around him.
He stopped in front of me, and reached out to grab my wrists, but pulled back and pinched the bridge of his hooked nose instead.

"Explain." His baritone drawled, each syllable enunciated.

"We were having drinks, all the apprentices, and he sat down with us. Said he was here to see Professor Lupin." I was bracing myself, every muscle tightening as I pulled my cloak closer, wanting to crumble and hide. I hated how I felt as if we were reverting to the beginning of the term when he was my worst nightmare.

"Did he touch you?" His voice came out as a dark hiss, eyes snapped shut as his powerful fingers moved from his nose to run through his inky strands.

"He only grabbed my hand." I cringed even harder, knowing that my words of reassurance wouldn't do any good. I wanted him to know Sirius hadn't gone any farther, but any touch from another man, especially that one would send him through the roof.

"I'll kill him." He growled, storming into his room, wand already in hand. He wrenched open his closet door, rifling through all the black garments to grab his cloak.

"Severus, please don't be upset." I cried out, the night's events overwhelming me. I knew my words wouldn't do much, but I had to start somewhere. My panic attack was hitting its peak and I wasn't thinking as clearly.

"And what of Mr.Diggory? What did he think of the whole ordeal? I'm sure he was quite jealous." He ripped the cloak off the hanger, lavishly billowing the fabric around his shoulders.

"I had never told him about Sirius, so I'm sure he's more worried than jealous."

He let out a dark, cynical bark of laughter, seeming to find the mess I made amusing.

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