Chapter 1

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I had read the letter so many times I could recite it word for word.

Dear Ms.Finch,

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is honored to offer you placement in our new apprenticeship program.
Based on your performance during your schooling and careful consideration and recommendation by staff, we have selected you and several other Hogwarts alumni to join us as we begin a new opportunity for the best and brightest to train under our professors.
Please respond via post by July 1st with your response to joining us for the upcoming term.

Headmaster Albus Dumbledore
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

I was utterly shocked when my owl, Starlight (so-called for her silver feathers), dropped off the letter only weeks after I had graduated and left Hogwarts for what I thought was for good. I had loved my years spent in the castle and had been overjoyed at the opportunity I was being presented with.
Though I was never popular, Hogwarts and the Hufflepuff house felt like home to me. My home life was by no means bad. It was just...bland. Getting to live at the magical school was so exciting, who wouldn't want to escape there every year? I had decided to take a year off once I graduated to explore all my options for my future. I hated not knowing what I wanted with my life. Every day I felt so lost. I had no inspiration, no passions, no hobbies, besides curling up with a good book and aiding my father in harvesting herbs for sale to apothecaries. I wanted so many things yet didn't know what I wanted at all. Until the letter arrived I felt I would be stuck in my little room in our cottage forever. It sounds ideal, but the world seemed so big and scary, it filled me with anxiety that I didn't have a clue where I was going.
I had responded straight away, patiently awaiting further details, hoping this wasn't some dream.

My parents were beyond proud that their very own daughter had been chosen for such a prestigious position. They were soft-spoken, simple people who wanted the best for me, and I was incredibly grateful for their support.
Soon we were all watching for Starlight to appear with the post every morning.
Once more information came in I began to prepare for my new life. All those chosen to be a part of the program were to arrive at Hogwarts a month and a half before the school term started so we could begin training under the professor we were placed with. Apparently, it was to be a very intense and thorough introduction, not just on teaching the subject, but mastering it. We were to be considered professors ourselves by the students, though certainly not as privileged. We would have many rules and regulations, but much more freedom than we had ever had before.

One thing that was stated in my instructions was that I was to dress appropriately and professionally for my role. It left much up to interpretation. Professor McGonagall's stiff and matronly robes came to mind, as did Prof. Trilany's bohemian scarves and flowy skirts. My mother decided to take me to Diagon Alley to look at what the dress shops were selling. Thankfully I was able to find some lovely dresses, very contemporary and befitting the professional witches of today. I loved the lace and billowing skirts. I made sure to get a nice variety of colors and styles so I would have something for every occasion! I would have a small salary included with my room and board, so if a special outfit was needed, I would be able to purchase one. I felt so elegant and feminine in those gowns. I couldn't wait to wear them.
We had gathered some other supplies such as journals, quills, ink, and whatever other luxuries we wanted to bring. Everything else would be supplied by the school.
The anticipation of beginning my apprenticeship was constantly on my mind. I could hardly believe the day had come to pack up and leave for the train. Though I would miss them terribly, I knew leaving my parents was the right thing for me. With a final hug and kiss, I was on the train, and off to my beloved Hogwarts.

It wasn't until I began walking down the aisle to find a seat that I realized I had not seen anybody else get on. Was I the only one on here? Would anyone else be riding with me? Did I come at the wrong time? Panic overtook me, tons of possibilities racing through my mind. I was a bit of a worrywart. My fears were quenched when I saw several familiar faces running by the windows outside, hurrying to get through the doors of the train. Thank goodness!
Cedric Diggory stopped in the middle of the aisle when he saw me, Seth Wainwright almost slamming into the back of him.

" Iris?" Cedric raised his dark brows in surprise, still shocked and out of breath from rushing into the train. His pale cheeks were flushed a gorgeous pink, his grey eyes alight.
My face instantly heated as the two boys locked eyes on me.
As I mentioned before, I was not the most popular student. Just one of many. I had a few close friends and acquaintances with many students, but I was not very memorable due to my shy and quiet nature. It wasn't until a smile spread across his face that I relaxed and remembered I should probably respond to him.
"Yes, it's so good to see some familiar faces! So you both have been chosen for the apprenticeship program?"
He slung his leather bag over his shoulder, moving closer to me to pick up my suite case. I nearly fainted.
"Here let me help you with that. Yes, we all got our letters about a week after graduation. Can you believe it?" Merlin, he was handsome. And he was helping me carry my bag. I almost forgot the other Hufflepuff was there until Seth spoke behind Cedric.
"I couldn't. Who would have thought Hogwarts would put on such a program. Let's go sit down, I guess we're early?" We shuffled into the nearest compartment as we began discussing our excitement for the upcoming year.

I had never been close with Cedric or Seth, but we had grown up together, and the comradeship of being among the select few picked for the program created a feeling of familiarity among us.
A couple of minutes later two more boys I recognized as Gryffendors boarded the train. We welcomed them excitedly, smiles on everyone's faces as we continued catching up. When everyone was finally on the train we totaled in 12 people, three from each house, and too my surprise, all men, except for me.
It was painfully obvious that the others had made this connection as well, and I couldn't help but grow flustered as all their eyes flitted in my direction every couple of seconds.
I had never had a boyfriend. Talking to any boy usually made me feel awkward and self-conscious. I had been on a couple of dates but nothing ever serious. Being the only girl was going to be...interesting.

Once the train started moving, everyone settled into their own compartments. My face was on fire and my palms were sweating.
My racing thoughts were interrupted when Cedric caught my eye. He wore a sweet smile filled with warmth and understanding. When he noticed Seth was distracted he took the opportunity to lean over and speak to me in a hushed voice.
"You nervous?"
I bit my lip as I nodded my head, realizing I could let my guard down a little.
"Don't be. You were the only witch picked for a reason. If anything it will play to your advantage." He winked at me, his kind words bringing me comfort. I smiled back at him and felt the tension leave my shoulders. Cedric had always been a charmer, but underneath his handsome face was a good heart and pure intentions. Yes, he was extremely attractive, which intimidated me, but I decided right then and there to shut down any fears I might have about speaking to him. If I was this nervous now, I couldn't imagine how I would feel when I actually began assisting a professor, and I knew I would need a friend. This was a new chapter in my life and I wanted to take advantage of it. Learning to get out of my comfort zone and talk to someone was a good start.

"Thank you. I'm happy you're here. It's all very intimidating to me." I admitted.
"Me too. I don't know about you but I had absolutely no idea what I was going to do when we graduated, but getting the offer to be here has been a dream. It certainly got my father off my back." We chuckled at his remark. Hearing that he had the same struggle as me was quite the surprise. I was a plain Jane, while he was a quidditch star. I guess I couldn't judge a book by its cover.

Seth turned back to us then, his laughter filling the compartment as one of the Ravenclaws finished telling him a joke from across the aisle of the train. His laughter spread as he began repeating the joke, and before I knew it I was losing myself in the lighthearted and joyous feeling. It was a sweet reunion.
Looking back to Cedric I noticed his eyes locked on me.
"I'm happy you're here too."

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