Getting ready~

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a/n; this is my first Werewolf romance novel~although I have written other books before~i hope you like it. (*****please be aware that this book contains kissing and other various content. there also might be some LGBTQ in this book  although they are not the main people~please keep this in mind. if any of that or other  stuff makes you  uncomfortable, I would suggest that this isn't the book for you. I will be putting warnings such as: *********** before ant potentially offensive content is about to happen. TYSM for looking at my book~Emma (Katriana's outfit) ⚠️ I am the rightful author of this book it is not to be copied or stolen in any way and I can sue you if you try. It is written with my own imagination and I will NOT tolerate other people stealing my work. Us authors work very hard and put time into writing our ORIGINAL  work and it is flat out disrespectful to steal our work or try to copy it and pretend you wrote it. If you see this book on a different website that I haven't explicitly Saif that I put it there other than wattpad, please notify me immediately. Thanks! This applies to all chapters and parts of this book.

Katriana's POV;

I yawn. I just got up. I decide to get dressed and walk to my closet, throwing on one of my less-daughter-of-the-alpha outfits and checking myself out in the mirror. damn I look good. I fix my hair, so it's in a sloppy/cute bun and brushes my teeth. I decided I should go downstairs for breakfast, because it's 7:00 am and my Luna training starts in a couple of hours. I jog downstairs, close my bedroom door and smile as I see my older brother Dereck's mate  Umiyha doing the same. we both giggle and go downstairs together to see my mother up and making pancakes. just the fact that she is up before 8:00 am is an immediate warning that something big is about to be announced by my dad at breakfast. the fact that pancakes means it has something to do with me. pancakes are my favorite food, and the last time she made them, it was to tell me that my Luna training was about to start. she does a once over of my outfit and grins. she loves it when I dress more like me than the person I want to be. I grab some orange juice and get my self a glass chugging it  till it's fully gone, I turn to mom taking over pancakes while her and Umi (short for Umiyha) set the table for all five of us. once the pancakes are done and everything is set, my mom mindlinks my dad, and he comes downstairs with an envelope in his hand. he looks like the Cheshire cat with his big stupid grin he is giving me and I suddenly  know what the letter is~its my invitation to the mate-matching party~ and my stomach drops and I suddenly don't feel as hungry. I look to mom and shake my head ever so slightly and she smiles and says "honey, you know you have to go~ the party is an amazing chance for you to meet your mate~ everyone goes~" my father walks up to me and hands me the letter with a stern look on his face as he says "Katri, you are going. end of discussion. I will have some of my beta's help you pick something to wear." I stare in shock at the letter and grab a pancake and scarf it down (yes, I know emotional eating isn't good, but who is gonna stop me?!) I look at my father and nod as a slow Small-half-smile spreads across  my face. I run upstairs laughing with joy as they stare bewildered after me. I open my door closing it behind me as I sink to the floor crisscrossing my legs as I giggle and open the letter; Dear Katriana of the sunlight pack, we are pleased to invite you to the annual mate-matching party now that you are of age, the party is at  Alpha Rex of the dark-night pack's on Friday the 24 of June. mansion address; 11211 43 23 mile Rd. time; 8:00 pm - 6:00 am. Attendance is mandatory. the theme is dark academia. we hope to see you soon~Beta Chris of the dark-night pack.

I stare at the letter, dark academia? this couldn't be more perfect for me. I have the PERFECT outfit that makes me look classy,sexy,cute, and respectable at the same time. OMG! I just looked at the date! the party is TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! It's already five o'clock! I have to tell mom! my wolf is freaking out as she yells WHY DIDN'T IT GET HERE SOONER!!!!????? I run downstairs to tell mom, and soon maybe 20 minutes later, I'm in my outfit;

I turn and see myself in the mirror...I... look... AWESOME!!!

i literally look like a movie star! so much so that I hear my mom say, "Oh, you look gorgeous, honey!" I'm (totally not) blushing. I can't help it, I giggle and me and my mom and I start laughing so hard and loudly that we don't notice my dad and brother walk in. I turn as I sense other people, and I see my dad and brother. they are grinning hard core. Dereck got dad's face while I got some other relatives. him and dad look identical.  I look at them and grin. I do a little spin  as i ask     "how do I look?" my brother grins and it turns to the evil brother *I'm going to embarrass you now* look as he says "so, I see you really want your mate to reach up into that short dress huh?" I'm blushing like crazy as I lightly punch his shoulder, and he fakes an injury. my mom and dad start laughing, and I realize that it's already 7:47, and I say    "okay, okay enough... we have to go now." My wolf is still laughing as my mother and i get in the car. she starts to drive, and the next thing I know, I'm hugging my mother as I get out of the car in front of a huge black mansion.

 THE ROGUE LUNAOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant