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                                     •𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕖•

In the quiet stillness of her bedroom, Jennie savored the bliss of genuine sleep. It had been four days of nonstop work since her return from Paris, and only now did she find the time to return to the comfort of her own home

The soft hum of exhaustion hung in the air as she lay there, catching up on the rest that she missed during her relentless work. The weight of tasks, accumulated since the moment she stepped in Korea lingered in the corners of her mind but in the warmth and softness of her bed, she could momentarily set those aside

However, this moment of pleasure and relaxation was of short term—A sudden and forceful wave of nausea swept over her, abruptly yanking her from her sleep.

As she opened her eyes, she could feel her stomach twisting and her head spinning incontrolably "Oh no not again" she uttered with a blend of panic and displeasure— she propelled herself from the bed and urgently ran to the bathroom. The cool tiles underfoot provided a stark contrast to the warmth of her bed but that was the last of her worries

Once she pushed the bathroom's door open, she surrendered to the unwelcome discomfort, retching and purging everything she had eaten the previous day— each retch felt like plea for relief accompanied by the bitter taste of stomach acid while tears uncontrollably flooded from her tired eyes. It went on and on until she felt like her stomach was about to come out too

After the agonizing bout of vomiting subsided, the girl was left weak and hardly able to stand, she layed there on the bathroom, her head on top of the toilet seat as she tryed hard to breathe. nonetheless she weakly stood of her feet and tiredly made her way out of the bathroom— Sinking onto her bed, she reached for her phone, her head spinning as she rested it on the pillow and her fingers fumbling to dial the last person she had spoken to and without bothering to check the screen, she called, desperation etched in every shaky button press

Laying back with closed eyes, Jennie clutched her phone and whispered in pain "Come on Rosie...... pick up" as the phone's ringing echoed in the quietness of the room, the brunette inhaled deeply, trying her best to not panick at the moment

Few seconds later a soft yet confused "Hello?" followed, indicating that she had finally answered. As she blinked at the screen, she saw Rosé's name, a reassurance that someone cared, yet she couldn't bring herself to focus on the details. In exhaustion, Jennie decided to put the call on speaker her phone now a lifeline in her trembling hand.

"Unnie ? What's happening? Why are you calling so early?" The blonde asked in confusion from the other side of the line, her hoarse voice a sign that she had just woken up from sleep

The brunette , too caught up in her problem proceeded in explaining her situation in a rush "I'm sorry Rosé for waking you up but there's something urgent" with what little energy she had left, she continued with a long breath "I need you to come over. I can't explain everything right now but I really need your help" Her hand reached for her hair that she put out of her face, sudenly feeling hot despite the cold night

"Okay I'll be there. But you have to tell me what's going on Unnie" the girl now fully awake asked with worry in her voice

In response to Rosé's questions , Jennie's feeble voice requested her friend to come over as soon as possible. The urgency in her tone caught the girl's attention, and she pressed for more information "Just come, please. I can't do this alone"

With a breathless pause, the brunette hesitated then she requested in an unsure ton "And bring with you a pregnancy test please"

Sudenly the other side of the call went silent for a moment making Jennie look at the screen with a frown, thinking the call went off but then a loud and incredulous "WHAT?" echoed through the line, making the girl sigh

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