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                                 •𝕊𝕥𝕒𝕪 𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕖•

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. You may have trouble doing normal day-to-day activities, and sometimes you may feel as if life isn't worth living

That's what Jennie was feeling, depressed. As if her whole existence didn't matter anymore, the sadness overtaking all the other emotions leaving no place for life

Everything started three months back during her birthday— She has't seen her parents who lived in America for 2 years due to their work and busy schedule, 2 whole years were she missed her parents every single day that passed. When the day of her birthday came they decided to make her a surprise and go to korea to see her but sadly the plane they took crashed and they died there

Of coure when Jennie heard about it she was devastated and blamed herself for it even when she had nothing to do in it— but what can you do to a person who lost both her parents at the same moment and during a day that's supposed to be happy for them? That's when her descent to hell started, She went through a heavy mourning period were she cried the whole day, she would eat and drink only if forced by her friends and she would spend all her time locked up in her room without talking to anyone and it had been going on like this for three month till this day

Her friends got concerned about her and that's how they ended up living in her house with her. Rosé and Lisa were always at Jennie's to take care of her and make sure she doesn't do something stupid

As for Jisoo she's living with her boyfriend and soon-to-be husband Seokjin— she would come avery morning to wake up the girls and prepare their breakfast before going to work at the company of Jin's father as his secretary and she would come back the afternoon to stay with the girls then go back home at night

Rosé and Lisa were on the living room watching TV when Jisoo walked in

« she still hasn't came out? » she asked in anticipation but her face dropped the moment the two friends nodded— it has been three day since Jennie didn't come out of her room and Jisoo was really worried. It the longest she stayed in there and it's getting worse day by day

« You know I have been having this thought those last days.... » she started before taking a seat with the two girls on the couch « I was thinking that maybe I could report the wedding to stay here with you three until the situation gets better » Yes her and Jin were getting married in a week after more than five years of dating

Upond hearing those words the girls jolted up in theirs seats « what?!! » « are you kidding ??! » both said at the same time, their faces showing disapproval and confusion

« Do I look like I'm joking ?? Reporting the wedding is the only solution to ease my conscience , I have no other choice »

« Why would you report your wedding ? » said a voice behind them, Jisoo froze in her place— mentally cursing at herself and the bad timing then turned to Jennie with a forced smile on her face and before she could say anything the girl was already seating next to her « is there a problem with Jin? Or with your family? » The oldest could see the concern on the other's eyes and her heart clenched at how she showed so much care for her friends while she wa in her lowest

« euuh... non there is no problem with anyone... » she stopped for a moment not knowing how to tell her without getting her mad « well I thought that it maybe would be better for me to report the wedding and stay here with you until you get better » And a look at Jennie's face was the only thing she needed to regret her words

Jennie stayed still, she wanted to burst into tears so bad but she holds her cries inside— she was also upset and angry at herself but remained calm « no, there is no way you'll do that for me » she was about to leave before her tears comes down and worry everyone but Jisoo was quick to respond and get her out of her mind

« That's my decision Jennie not yours » the brunette looked back at her friend but this time she was mad—very mad

« Your decision? Did you think about Jin?? He has been begging you for two years to marry him do you realize? TWO whole years and now that he finally can do it you wanna report ?!! And I'm sure you too wanted this marriage more than anyone so why this decision !!»

« What are you talking about? I'm sure Jin would understand and if he doesn't then fuck him! You are like my sister I'm not giving up on you when you need me the most. I can't go around being happy and celebrating while one of my closest friends is feeling bad and needs help » This time it was Jisoo's turn to raise her voice, she was determined to prove her point

« Do you think this is what I want—Having all my friends pitying me just because I'm going troughs something everybody experiment? Just because I'm not feeling well doesn't mean that every one around me needs to be sad too. Why don't you think of this wedding as a way for me to have fun and change a bit from this sick routing! I may not be ready to face the reality yet but if it's for you then I will do it and I would be more than delighted seing my best friend happy..... Besides I really wanna see my brother so please don't think of me as a burden» Jennie looked at Jisoo with pleading and teary eyes— her voice cracking at every sentence while the oldest seemed to be taken aback by her words

« I never thaught of it that way.. I'm sorry I got overwhelmed those days » she said seating back on the couch with a lost gaze

« It ok Unnie » Jennie jumped into Jisoo's arms hugging her as tie as she can

« Aww look at this two they are so cute!! » Rosé whispered to Lisa with a teasing smile but of course Jisoo heard them

« Oh shut up you too and come here » She opened her arms and it didn't take more for the youngests to join the hug


It was around 3 AM when Taehyung came home. He took off his shoes and jacket before heading to his room, his legs could barely bear his weight and his eyes drooped shut at each step he took— tiredness taking control of his body

When he arrived in his room, a small piece of paper that was on his table catched his attention, he was sure he isn't the one who put it there. He thought that maybe it's Sun-hi, the maid, that left it on his desk

He took the letter and carefully opened it not wanting to rip it and he immediately arched an eyebrow when he started reading « A wedding ? »

Dear Mr. Kim Taehyung

It is with great pleasure that we invite you to join us in celebrating the wedding of Kim Jisoo and Kim Seokjin, as they embark on a journey of love and companionship.
At 7 PM, 28th of march

Thanks you for your consideration,
We sincerely look forward seeing you

Of course it wan't unusual for him to be invited to the weddings of his business partners but the names that were written on the pepper he was holding were not familiar to him, even if he heard them somewhere but he couldn't remember when or who are the persons

So he took his phone and delayed Jimin's number and after few rings he finally picked up « do you miss me already? » Jimin teased from the other line while Taehyung only rolled his eyes

« Who are Kim Seokjin and Kim Jisoo? » with his eyes still locked on the pepper, he tried to remember any face or name but nothing helped him

« Oh I see. Seokjin is the son of Kim han-su and Jisoo is his fiancé » Taehyung who was confused few minutes ago was now nodding, finally getting a name

Kim Han-su is the Ceo of one of their company's branches and he knew that his son will take over him soon

« Ok Jimin have a good night » and with that being said he turned off his phone and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed

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