four years later

45 0 4

Sunny's pov

I bent down to tie my shoelaces. I couldn't afford to be late. After all this is the day my sister goes off to college. I need to be there to see her off.

"I'm ready!" My boyfriend of four years jumped on my back "have you got everything? Coat? Bag?"

"Yes I'm fully prepared" I lovingly stroked my cheek "what about you? You're not going out in the cold wearing that are you" I pointed to his tank top.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" He pouted.

"You're freeze silly" I giggled "go put a coat on"

"Ok ok" he sighed before running off. Within a minute he came out wearing a yellow raincoat.

"There's my handsome man" I stood on my tiptoes for a kiss "now let's go. They're waiting for us"

We walked down the street hand in hand as the crisp autumn air filled our lungs. This was one of my favourite things to do, especially now that we don't have to hide our relationship anymore thanks to how accepting everyone is about the whole yokai thing.

"Hey guys!" Kel waved wildly as we caught sight of hero and mari by the bus stop. We ran up towards their smiling faces.

"Hey boys. I'm so glad you could make it" mari smiled sweetly.

"I'm surprised you didn't sleep through the alarm" hero said teasingly.

"Hey like I'd miss you going away!" Kel jumped into his arms "I still can't believe you're going to college. To think you used to be so cynical about human stuff"

"I know" hero chuckled "but thanks to this special lady I discovered my love for cooking" he leaned over and kissed her, making her giggle. The two of them have been dating for three years now and I gotta admit they make a cute couple. The four of us are really like a happy family.

"Oh that's our bus" mari jumped in surprise "goodbye boys, just call if you need anything"

"Take care you two. Don't get up to any funny business while we're gone" hero said as he struggled with both their bags.

"We'll try" kel took my hand with a sly smirk. I shook my head. He's such a goof!

We watched as the bus travelled into the distance, taking our siblings with it. When the bus was out of view I turned to kel.

"Do you want to visit the park?"

He turned to me with a twinkle in his eyes "babe you just read my mind!"

I giggled as he took my hand and dragged me to the park.

The end.

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