Where's My Brother?

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Hero's pov

"Where's my baby" I watched as my mother paced back and forth, clearly in a state of panic. She turned to my father angrily "how could you have just let him leave"

"I didn't let him leave dear he left on his own" father shook his head "if I knew he would run off I would have stopped him"

"You know what Kel's like he's a wild spirit. It was your job as his father to keep him grounded" she pointed at him accusingly.

"I can't watch over him twenty four seven" dad argued "I have other duties to this family"

"Well I should think protecting our naive baby boy would be more important than-"

"Enough" I stood up "it's my fault. Me and kel had a fight and never made up. I said some things I shouldn't have" I looked away guiltily.

Dad sighed deeply "son I know kel can be a pain but he's still your little brother. You're supposed to keep him safe and this petty argument has done the opposite of that!"

"I-i know. I'm so sorry" tears pricked my eyes. If something happens to him I'll never forgive myself!

"This forest is so close to a human town" mom muttered nervously "if one were to find him-"

"They won't!" I said firmly "I'll find him no matter what it takes!" I rushed outside before they could stop me.

"Hero wait!" Mom called out but I ignored her calls. What's important now is Kel. I'll find my baby brother no matter how long it takes!

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