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Sunny's pov

"Ahh the weather's perfect here" Aubrey stretched out her arms "just take in that sunshine"

It was true. Our secret spot was a little placed hidden behind some trees in the park. We found it by accident when basil was running from bullies. It was a small area with a big blue lake surrounding it. Perfect for many picnics and swimming too though I'm a little afraid of water since the incident.

"Mmm I'm hungry" kel held his stomach.

"Well lucky for you I packed a picnic" Aubrey smiled "I was planning on having a picnic with basil but I'm sure he won't mind us starting without him"

"Yay a picnic! What's a picnic?" Kel asked.

"It's when you take your food outside to eat it" I explained.

"Yay I love eating my food outside!" Kel said excitedly as Aubrey lay out the blanket. We all sat eating our food when suddenly Aubrey reached out and grabbed Kel's ear.

"Ouch hey!" Kel yelled.

"He's really cute but his attitude totally ruins it huh?" Aubrey muttered to herself.

"Stop grabbing my ears! There very sensitive!" Kel waved his arms around wildly.

"Looks like they're not the only thing that's sensitive"

"What's that supposed to mean!"

"Use your imagination"

"Grr you jerk!"

I sighed as the two of them glared daggers at each other. They really don't like eachother huh? Well I'm sure with time they'll start to like each other. I mean I really didn't like basil when we first met but now he's one of my closest friends-

"Aubrey I'm so sorry I'm late!"

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