Taking Him Home

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Sunnys pov

"And it should be right here" I gestured to the house in front of us. I held his hand tightly to avoid the kid running off. I swear it's like having an excited puppy around!

He looked around in awe "so this is the kind of place humans live in. So cool!"

"I can't believe you can see this well in the dark" I shook my head. Still it's a good thing. I would have never found my way back without his help.

"I can't believe you can't see well in the dark!" He said in disbelief "How do humans get anything done at nightfall!"

"Normally we don't go anywhere at night" I muttered.

"Then what were you doing out?" He tilted his head curiously.

"I..had a fight with my sister" I looked away.

"You too huh? Man older siblings sure are complicated" he sighed.

"Tell me about it" I smiled. It's kinda nice having someone to relate to.

My hands shook as I reached for the doorknob. After running away I'm bound to have caused my family to worry. I'll probably be in a lot of trouble for that. I took a deep breath and opened the door only to find the house empty. They mustn't have noticed I was gone. I should feel relieved but I feel kinda sad. Do they really care that little about me?

"Are you ok?" He looked at me worriedly.

"I'm fine" I forced a smile "come on, let's sneak you upstairs"

I tiptoed upstairs with my fox friend in toe. When we reached my room we both collapsed onto my bed.

"Oh my gosh this is the softest bed in the world!" He rolled around in delight. I chuckled at his goofiness.

"So what's your name?" I asked. He stopped rolling and sat up straight.

"I'm Kel!" He chirped "what's your name human?"

"I'm sunny"

"Sunny! I like that name. It's cute just like you!"

"Uhh thanks" I muttered, blushing slightly "it's kinda late Kel. Why don't we go to sleep"

"Good idea" he turned back into his fox form "night sunny"

"Goodnight Kel" I smiled softly before turning over and falling asleep...

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