the next morning

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Sunny's pov

My eyes fluttered open as the sunlight snuck through the blinds, stinging my eyes. I blinked a few times to get my vision back. I could feel something warm and heavy on my chest. I couldn't get up with the weight of it. I craned my neck and what I saw shocked me.

I was kel asleep on my chest!

I had to cover my mouth to shuffle a scream. A mad blush spread across my face. How did this happen? I'm pretty sure we slept in different beds!

"Kel" I nudged him, my face a crimson red "kel please wake up"

"Ngh" he rose drowsily before giving me a smile "morning sunny" he said as if nothing was wrong!

"Kel what are you doing in my bed" I yelped.

"I missed sleeping with you" he said simply "why do you not like having me here?"

"No I.. like sleeping with you too" I averted my eyes.

"That's good" he nuzzled into my chest as I tried to calm my beating heart.

And to think I normally like my space but with kel I get a fuzzy happy kind of feeling when he's close to me. Could I be in love? What do I do? I don't know how to handle complicated feelings like love!

"Sunny, Kel" basil knocked politely on my door "breakfast is on the table"

"Oh boy food!" Kel jumped out of my arms and raced out the door. I sighed before getting up and following behind him.

I arrived in the dining hall to find basil politely eating his food while kel was devouring a plate of bacon. I giggled to myself. He's such a goofball.

"Hey sunny come join us" basil called me over.

"Yeah there's plenty of food left over" kel said with a mouthful of bacon. I smiled and moved to sit with them when we heard a knock on the door...

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