Hiding Him

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Sunnys pov

I woke up to soft snores coming from underneath the blankets. Raising an eyebrow I lifted the blankets revealing a cute little fox. So it wasn't a dream.

He was fast asleep with his bushy tails wrapped around his tiny body. He was so cute. I couldn't bring myself to wake him-

"Sunny" mari burst through the door. I rushed to cover kel before she could see "oh good you're awake. Mom says breakfast is ready. Also I called for a replacement violin for you. Next time you have a temper tantrum try not to destroy anything expensive" with that she slammed the door.

"Are you ok?" Kel appeared in his kitsune form, the blankets draped over his head. Feeling overwhelmed I pulled the boy into a hug.

"I'm sorry I woke you up" I murmured into his shoulder.

"It's fine. It's not like it was your fault" his eyes lingered on the door "is that your sister? She's kinda mean"

"She's not always like that. She's just stressed at the moment" I muttered sadly. I just wish the recital was over so she'd go back to normal.

"Oh my brother's a bit like that too but it's not fair that they take it out on us" kel scratched his head.

"You're right" I sighed. It's kinda concerning how the person I relate to most is a seemingly mythical yokai! "I best get ready for breakfast"

"Oh cool, I can't wait to meet your family" he hopped out of bed and raced to the door when-

"Stop!" I jumped in front of him "kel you can't go downstairs"

"Why not?" He tilted his head innocently.

"My parents aren't like me. If they saw you they'd freak and I don't know what they'd do" I looked away.

"But I'm hungry" he whined.

"I'll bring some food up. Now will you please hide" I pleaded.

"Fiiine" he pouted before heading into the closet. I sighed in relief before heading downstairs.

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