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The corners of Li Cheng's mouth twitched, and he sealed his sense of smell with aura, and he didn't have to think about it to know that he must be stinky now.

With a shy expression, the young man looked at himself, gave up his intention to wear slippers, and stepped on the floor barefoot, when the phone at hand suddenly rang, it was his brother-in-law Fang Deming, Li Cheng wiped his hands and pressed the key to put it outside.

"Orange, do you have any liver pills over there?"

"Liver cancer?"

...... It's not cancer, it's said that the liver is damaged, and it can't be cured by many doctors, but because the disease is an elderly person, its own physiological function has decreased, and the symptoms are not much worse than liver cancer..."

As soon as Li Cheng heard this, he grabbed the focus: "Someone needs it?"

"There was a senior customer who came to the store to inquire, originally to buy the Callus Pill, but you also know that the Liuwei Huixue Pill and the Callus Pill have been donated to Taki City recently, and then the other party asked about this again, I don't know if there is such a medicine, so I called and asked you." Then Fang Deming over there whispered: "Actually, I didn't have to ask you, but I heard that the original secretary of the provincial party committee of Nanjiang Province was sick, and he was a good official."

It can be said that Nanjiang Province has been able to develop from a well-known poor province in the country to now become a tourist attraction in the south, itself relying on the former provincial party secretary, although Li Cheng does not know the name of the other party, but he knows a lot about these deeds.

If such a person is old and cannot die well, then God is too unfair.

"I'll look for it."

Li Cheng wiped the dirt on his face with a tissue, and thought about it while wiping it.

"If I can really find a pill to treat the liver, I'm afraid there are not many of them, and there is no way to put them in the store, so just let the other party come to me and get them when the time comes."

"I'm sorry." A respectful and thick male voice suddenly appeared on the other side of the phone, which was probably the senior customer who went to the Gong Pharmacy to ask for medicine in Fang Deming's mouth.

☆, Chapter 111 Attacked [Three Watches]

"You're welcome."

Li Cheng hung up the phone, threw the tissue into the garbage basket, and walked straight to the bathroom, half an hour later, the young man who scrubbed himself until he was red all over, wearing a wide bathrobe, appeared on the top floor of the third branch of the home-cooked restaurant in Liuman City, because this attic was his exclusive territory, and the account room and Xiao Er at the bottom would not come up without his greeting, so Li Cheng felt that it was nothing to appear in a bathrobe.

However, he soon realizes that he seems to be in trouble.

In terms of his cultivation and battle consciousness, it was impossible to find any danger, but the first second he came to the room, he found that the aura in the air was a little disordered, and he felt that there were people in the room very magically.

So in the next second, Li Cheng's body was covered with a layer of golden light, and almost at the same time, this layer of golden light seemed to be shaken by some vibration, and a short arrow fell from the front of the light mask, making a muffled bang.

Li Cheng's face was pale, fortunately he had broken through the refining state of mind in modern times, otherwise it would not be a short arrow that fell to the ground at this time, but his corpse.

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