Dream Come True

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At 4 in the afternoon, the slow and methodical ticking of the clock seemed to mock me as I prepared to head back.

There was a heaviness in my heart, an unshakable sadness filling my mind. Every movement was mechanical as I packed my future clothes into the bag.

Tears flowed as I touched each garment, bidding farewell to parts of myself. I didn't want to leave. I didn't want this chapter of my life to end.

In the midst of this whirlwind of emotions, Edward's image resurfaced in my mind, realizing I hadn't seen him today.

I immediately started searching tirelessly around the vast palace, hoping to find him in the final minutes, yet he remained elusive.

As I continued through the grand corridors, my steps heavy yet swift from sorrow and fear, I stumbled, colliding with Jeremiah.


I quickly wiped away the remaining tears on my face. "Jere, where's Edward? I don't want to leave without saying goodbye."

He looked around, equally puzzled. "I haven't seen him all day."

"Okay, thanks."

"Are you okay?" he asked, noticing my possibly reddened eyes.

"No, I'm not okay," I answered honestly, shaking my head. "I'm not sure I'm ready to leave all this behind."

He looked at me sympathetically. "You... want to stay?"

I sighed. "I want it because whatever I do here will not affect the future, because I've already lived it."

"What about... your dad's feelings?" he asked gently. "Do you want to leave him alone there?"

I found myself speechless, burdened by his question. Jeremiah was right; I couldn't just leave my dad like that.

He had been my rock, always there when I needed him. Now, it was my turn to stand by him.

My inner turmoil silenced me, my heart wrestling with the idea of abandoning my dad alone.

The thought of causing him more suffering after losing my mom was too heavy to bear.

I couldn't be selfish. I couldn't let my father feel the sadness of losing me too.

As I contemplated this, memories of sharing moments with my father flooded my mind.

From his loving guidance during my childhood to the moments when he became my confidant and friend, he had always been there, a pillar of strength.

"And also, if you stay here, shouldn't you be the Marchioness of Shireton? And shouldn't you have known at the museum that you might be reincarnated?" he continued logically.

Still lost in thought but hearing his question, I responded, "I've never heard my name. Means I've never lived in the past."

"But—if I go back to the future, and I don't have a picture of George, Edward, everyone, or even you?" I complained. "To remember this moment. To remind myself that all of this is really happening to me."

"I'm just afraid that one day, I'll think this never happened and it was all in my head," I said, a saddened expression on my face.

"Rae, all of this happened," he assured, holding both of my shoulders for reassurance. "Mark my words. We're the same, we're from the future, and I believe this all really happened."

"But what if when I'm older, I think this is just a teenage fantasy?" I rejected his attempt to convince me.

He shook his head, still trying to reassure and calm me. "There are no photos to prove that any of this is real, but you will remember this forever. This moment will remain in your memories, yours alone, and all of ours."

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