The Other Traveler

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My eyes keep seeking your shadow, like butterflies drawn to a captivating light. Though I know how hard it is to not see you again, like a magnet, my gaze always gravitates back to you.

Every time I look at your face, my heart races faster than the flurry of thoughts in my mind. Yet, in this loving heart, I also feel a weighty burden.

Like tightly binding chains, your charm feels like a bird trapped in a cage, unable to soar freely. As I try to run from the twists of fate, somehow destiny seems to enjoy playing its games. Our encounters only leave deeper wounds, like thorns piercing the heart.


"Do you know what's going on there?" I awkwardly asked George, who stood near me, refusing to look at me.

My gaze was trapped in doubt, and I could feel the tremor in my voice, as if wanting to release the words pent up inside me.

Despite the new day just beginning, we had already witnessed a group of people in a commotion, staggering at the edge of the Serpentine River.

Their voices were cramped like an orchestra losing direction, creating a turbulent soundscape. Our eyes kept moving, trying to understand what was truly happening amidst the chaos.

"No," Edward answered, his voice hoarse. "Mary is there, maybe she can explain what's happening."

Billy, who hadn't uttered a word before, immediately went towards the commotion, moving swiftly as if he couldn't contain his curiosity any longer.

George, Edward, and I exchanged glances briefly, George seeing me for the first time today.

We decided to follow Billy from behind, yet maintaining a safe distance from the increasingly crowded gathering. Billy seemed already deeply immersed in the commotion, trying to find out what was truly happening.

As we approached the center of the commotion, shouts became clearer. Some people tried to maintain order, while others engaged in intense arguments.

Suddenly, Mary emerged from the increasingly tumultuous crowd. Her steps were quick and hurried as she approached us. Her serious facial expression suggested she had important information to convey.

"What's going on, Mary?" I asked.

Breathing somewhat heavily, Mary began explaining the ongoing situation. "They have caught a witch," she replied.

"A witch?" George asked, puzzled.

"Yesterday's witch?" I asked, trying to comprehend this issue more deeply.

"No, this is a new witch. Many people saw him emerge from the water, whereas before, the surface looked calm," Mary explained with a serious tone.

I looked at Edward with surprise. "Shit," I muttered softly, feeling that this situation was reminiscent of what I had experienced before.

I earnestly hoped my friends wouldn't recall what had happened to me previously, especially George and Billy. My concern deepened as the memory possibly linked with the story of the newly revealed witch.

"Is it a man?" I suddenly asked, my mind instantly connecting with Finneas.

"Yes," Mary nodded affirmatively. "He's wearing really strange clothes, and his language is also strange. He's not like an ordinary man."

I felt relieved and worried, knowing the fact that Finn had finally come to this time. I wanted to feel joy, yet I couldn't.

It was as if I wanted him here but also didn't. I didn't want him to experience what I felt. Moreover, his presence would complicate matters.

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