Everything Makes Sense Now

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The doctor was busy stitching Ruby's father's wound while Ruby and I sat outside, gazing at the sun slowly sinking towards the western horizon. The growing darkness cast shadows that framed her expression.

Ruby looked pale and anxious, and I could feel the weight of haunting emotions engulfing her, along with the tension filling the air between us.

Both of us were lost in unspoken thoughts, sounding like soft whispers of the evening breeze that penetrated the silence.

I tried to offer Ruby some reassurance, placing my hand on her shoulder. "Your father will be alright."

Ruby looked at me with eyes still full of fear. "I can't bear to see my father like this."

I attempted to give her a small smile for comfort. "You're strong, Ruby. Your father will recover. You must stay patient and trust the doctor."

Ruby didn't respond vocally but through gestures. She nodded, seeming to absorb my words.

"Who was that man?" I continued asking. "The one who stabbed your father."

"Anthony Keller, the owner of the antique clock shop," she replied softly, her eyes flickering with a hint of fire.

"How do you know that?"

"Yesterday, after the many people captured the witch, I sneaked into her house just before they burned down her home," she explained, lost in thought. "There, I found many skulls. Not just one, I found five skulls."

"You saw the family painting, didn't you?" I ventured, drawing from my suspicion.

She glanced up at me, her expression questioning, 'How do you know?'

"I saw it too, when I and my friends sneaked into that house a few days ago."

No longer puzzled, she revealed, "I've been conducting a secret investigation into who they really are. It turns out they're the Keller family. Anthony and Elise Keller. Elise is the name of that female witch, and Anthony... I found his home address."

"Earlier, I received a threatening letter," she continued, showing me the letter, "This is it."

I read it silently, 'I have your father, come and find me. -AK'

"AK stands for Anthony Keller," she murmured. "It seems they already know that I'm looking for them."

"They? Do you mean Aveline, Anneliese, and Arthure?"

She raised her chin slightly, "How do you know so much about them?"

"I spoke to Elise Keller, alone," I replied. Shaking my head, I continued, "She's not a witch; they're all just psychopaths."

The fire in her eyes started to grow, burning brighter. "I'm sure they are the ones who kidnapped Emma and killed the Marquess."

Knowing she was investigating, I asked, "Did you get any notes about their children's whereabouts?"

"They were placed at Hopevale Foundlings' Shelter."

"Similar to Elizabeth."

"What do you mean?" she asked, turning to me.

"I just visited the Hopevale Foundlings' Shelter because aunt Bertha said she adopted Elizabeth from there," I honestly detailed. "That's why I came to you. I need your help."

She dropped her gaze, her face showing that she didn't want to deal with everything that was happening anymore. Because she had realized how dangerous the situation she was facing had become.

"Do you want revenge on them?" I tempted her, my manipulative side emerging. "They've taken everyone you care about."

After hearing my invitation, the usual spirit I saw in Ruby finally surfaced. "I will do anything to get them," she said sharply.

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