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My storage is full

You've taken up so much space

Yet you still try to give me more and more

I can't take in shit anymore

Each of my thoughts find their way to you

Trying to come up with a way to get you to come back out of the blue

I can't give out pieces of me anymore

My storage is full

You're everything I see

And everything I breathe

I can't delete bits of you anymore

If only I could buy those apps that get rid of things you don't need

To clean out the memories of you that make me bleed

I can't afford to buy things anymore

My storage is full

There's nothing else to take up

You're practically swirling me around in your dusty tea cup

I can't be the only thing that feeds you anymore

I stare at my phone during the night

Hoping you'll reply before daylight

I can't bear to hope for you anymore

My storage is full

Stop coming to my porch to drop things off

Stop replying to my needs with a scoff

I have nothing more to give

And nothing more to take

I can't carry you with me anymore

Inside Me (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now