I hope you remember me

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As we walked together

Laughing while crying

Smiles with twisted glares

Stopping with no reason

Leaving them behind

Calling you

Clock running for hours

Voices running for days

We laughed and joked

Creating a world

For us to own

We ran around our little town

Climbing and running

Rolling and jumping

I always had the best times with you

A photo booth made from memories

Of us

One day you said you were leaving

On a plane and far away

So I made myself hold on

Until I couldn't anymore

I held your hand

To try to keep you with me

And you held back

On a late night

We circled around my trampoline

In matching rainbow Bucket Hats

We stayed up late

Til the sun rose

Creating little faces out of my cooking spoons and forks

As we finally fell asleep

There was only one thing I could think

What am I gonna do when you're gone

Leaving you

Was the hardest thing I've done

I didn't get to say goodbye

Not even once

I didn't get to hug you

Didn't feel your warm embrace

I just watched time fly

While you went away

I still hope you could've stayed

I watched you try to adjust to your new town

You didn't know anyone or how to get around

I watched you make a few new friends

But they pulled you down

As I tried to pull you up

I could see you were struggling

You told me so

But I kept you going

Because you're the greatest thing I've ever known

Soon you began to fit in

You made new friends

And you made a name for yourself

You sprouted like a flower

Ready to breathe

Living in the air

As you let go of me

I watched you as we fell apart

How you became a new person

While I stayed the same

I'm so proud you who you came to be

But sometimes I wish it was still just you and me

You've made more friends

Who are more like you

And I stay behind

But I'm happy

So fucking happy

That you were able to bring yourself up

Find things that made joy

In your precious heart

Maybe now I'm just a stranger

But I hope I cross your mind

Just once

And if it's not too much to ask

Even twice

I hope you remember our little world

Our little reality that only we owned

I hope you remember how I made you happy

How you were my number one

How even now you still are

I hope you remember our favorite playlist

I hope you remember our favorite place to play

I hope you remember our favorite joke to say

I hope you remember me

Like I remember you

I hope you remember us

Something I'll never forget

Inside Me (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now