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Drowning in a lonely numb

Drowning in a pierced tongue

Words don't hurt me anymore

Drowning in that faceless mirror

Drowning in that crooked smile

My reflection can't get me anymore

Drowning in a fired crowd

Drowning in the voices they make

Their groups don't affect me anymore

Drowning in an empty void

Drowning in an airless tone

That feeling doesn't creep on me anymore

Drowning in meaningful nothingness

Drowning in something that doesn't even exist

Something inside tells me it shouldn't hurt

Shouldn't stab me inside

Shouldn't crumple my eyes

Drowning in my head, backing down in shame

Drowning in my beating heart, cursed like a flame

And only I'm to blame

For I'm drowning in myself,

How lame

Inside Me (Poems)Where stories live. Discover now