Prologue; Tonight

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pearls poems #667

"Is it so much to want to be wanted? Is it selfish to yearn for a love I've never had? A love so many are born showered in.

A love I had given up on ever receiving.

Is it pathetic to want this? I've survived this far without, so why do I reach for the skies for this affection? Why do I want it so badly I'd trade anything—anyone... for this?

It's nothing personal, I just want it regardless of the twisted lies it 'ought to be wrapped in. I'm sure they feel the same, parental love is something we didn't have any control over losing. If it's given, I will selfishly take.

Tonight, we lay without.

We lay without parental figures. Without the reassurance that our futures will contain family celebrating our higher educations. We lay beneath the stars with only one thing for sure: we have each other tonight.

That is enough for me—and hopefully the other three—tonight."

Started right after the end of Secret Life [01/06/2024]
Published [02/19/2024]
Ended [N/A]

Originally titled "To Be Wanted"
I do regularly watch all 4 of the Mounder's Hermitcraft content (Way more of the other 3 compared to Bdubs, but I'm trying)

Platonic & Parental Love
Side Romance

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