"Jack," Mrs. Avery warns.

"It's fine, Elle."

An hour into the dinner, Mr. Avery has finished over half of the bottle. He hasn't stopped talking about Lacrosse, Landon's frustration radiating off him in waves.

Landon and his mother have repeatedly tried to bring up his drinking habit and their wishes for him to get help, but he either dismisses it or ignores them entirely.

Mr. Avery starts to slur his words, and somehow I'm the topic of conversation again. He manages to demean me without stuttering, the people around us listening to him treat me and his son like total shit. "While I'm impressed he scored the daughter of Levi Isaacs, you are temporary, sweetheart. When my son makes it to the pros, you will become just like all of the other sluts he's dipped his stick in."

Score!? He makes it sound like I'm some sort of floozy or temporary eye candy. Shrinking into my chair, I pull my hand away from Landon's and ball my hands into tight fists. I'm trying not to cry. I wouldn't dare let this bastard of a man see me cry.

Landon slams his hands down on the table so hard, the silverware and plates rattle and the liquid in our glasses slosh. Suddenly, he's reaching over the table and grabbing his father by the collar of his shirt.

"You can say whatever the fuck you want about me, but that is the first and last time you ever say a fucking thing about my girl."

It doesn't register that he's addressed me as his girl until a moment later. We haven't discussed what we were as this wasn't even twenty-four hours old yet, but I like it. His girl. I like how girlish it makes me feel on the inside.

My thoughts are severed when I hear Mrs. Avery's voice. "Both of you sit down." Her voice is firm and motherly. Both hesitate but eventually lower back into their seats.

Mr. Avery tugs on the collar of his light blue dress shirt and picks up the bottle of bourbon. Us, including other guests nearby watch him take another swig of the alcohol.

"I don't even know why we're fucking trying," Landon says in anger. "You don't care about me or mom." His voice cracks, the hurt he's feeling evident. He didn't want to fight with his father. Though the man didn't really give him much of a choice. "If you did," he continues. "You wouldn't be drinking yourself to death."

"I'll care when you stop being a damned failure and a waste of my seed," he spat in response.

Landon stiffens.

"Jack, don't say that," Mrs. Avery says before looking at her son with a sympathetic expression. "He doesn't mean it, darling. He's drunk."

"What kind of a man are you?" I snap. I don't care who's looking. It needs to be said. "No," I say with a condescending laugh. "I take that back. You aren't even half of the fucking man your son is. You're a despicable, sad sack of shit. Landon's one of the best damn lacrosse players you will ever see. And fuck you for treating your wife and son the way you do." I rise to my feet and snatch the bourbon out of his hand. I'm not thinking, fuming with rage as I pour the last of the bourbon on his head.

Mr. Avery stares at me with a stunned expression on his aging face.

I realize what I've done and apologize. Not to him, but to his wife. "I'm so sorry, Mrs. Avery. I-"

My apology is cut short when I see the shocked expression on her face wear off and unexpectedly hear her burst into laughter. Her entire body shakes. She lurches forward, holding her stomach while she laughs as if she's heard the funniest joke in the world.

She's red in the face from laughing, and I don't know what to do. People are either snickering or murmurimg in judgment.

Backing away, I make an escape to the bathroom to catch my breath. I wasn't sorry for what I said to Mr. Avery. I meant every word. But this isn't exactly the kind of first impression I wanted to make on Landon's family.

Not to mention, I saw a few people with their phones out. It won't be long now before I'm trending all over every social media platform.

I cup my hands and stick them under the running faucet before bending down to splash cold water on my face.

The sound of the door opening and closing fills my ears. I grab a paper towel from the dispenser, wiping at my face. And when I lift my head, Landon's standing a few feet behind me.

I turned to face him, disregarding the fact that he'd entered the women's bathroom. "Listen, I'm sorry for pouring the drink on him. But I refuse to apologize for-"

His lips collide with mine in a heated kiss. It's greedy and unexpected. My lips part, welcoming his tongue into my mouth.

I'm backed into the sink, Landon's large hands cupping my face. He groans sexily into my mouth, and my legs almost give out.

"Landon," I finally manage when I break the kiss, breathless. My fingers grab at his wrists. "I thought you would be mad at me."

"Mad?" He chuckles. "I'm far from mad, baby. If I wasn't falling for you before, I sure as hell am now."


"Mhm." His eyes fall to my lips as his thumb lightly traces them. "Now, can I go back to kissing you?"

"Yes, but what about your parents?"

"My mom served my dad with divorce papers and headed back to the hotel. As for my dad, I don't really fucking care. Screw him." Landon's lips are back on mine, stealing away my breath.

In my mind, as Landon Avery kisses me, all I can think about is how right this feels. And how much I never want this to end.

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