Chapter 80

518 18 39

--- Start of Finale ---

[???'s PoV]

I never had any memories from my childhood.

As far as I could remember, it was only since both I and her were taken into her uncle and aunt's custody.

But, before that... I remembered nothing.

It felt as if something was blocking my memory when I tried to think of the past.

Because I never had any ideas, clues, or even felt anything bad from not being able to remember it, I just... stopped thinking about it altogether.

So, I thought about something else.

What was it like to live normally?

What would I do when I grew up?

What could happen in the future?

I often wondered about those questions as I gazed out the window, either when it was snowing, raining, or just any weather in general. To me, at the time, it was relaxing.

Just thinking about things and letting my eyes darted off into the sky.

When I wasn't thinking though, I would spend my time with her.

Playing around, chatting our minds, going out to wherever she wanted. And truth be told, it was fun.

That was until...

The incident happened.

As for the context of it in itself... it had become the same.

A blank page within my memory... No, rather than a blank page, perhaps it would be more correct to call it a blurred one.

All I knew was that something terrible happened to us.

Of course, both uncle and aunt never told us what exactly happened as I could see that they were more than glad that we couldn't recall anything about it.

And since maybe... maybe it truly was better for us to never know, I let the curiosity sink into the back of my mind. Never surfaced out again.

But... with the things happening since then around us---around me, that brought a single question to light.

A question... that I had supposed to realize its importance since then...

...Just what had I done?

[Leila's PoV]

It was working. I'm sure of it.

Ray's energy from within his body was slowly changing---converting to a whole new and entirely different kind.


A soft sound reached my ears and I widened my eyes, pulling my face away before turning around. He had arrived.

Leila: "Tsk. I needed more time..."

I muttered to myself before looking at Ray again.

Leila: " You're the one who actually needs more time."

Holding his hand tightly, I looked away---


Leila: "---?! SHIELD!"

A New Character [Honkai Impact 3 X OC]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora