Chapter 68

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--- Start of Chapter ---

[Nagazora, 3rd POV]

She stood without making any sound as she looked at the sight before her. A ruined city. To her, it wasn't that much of an emotional thing. That was to be expected, of course. After all, she herself never saw it as such since "she" arrived in this city three years ago.

"She" who used to be a mere second personality, was never attached to this city, emotionally nor physically. The one who seemed to have an attachment was her "other" self, or what could be called as her little sister, now that the truth had come to light before them.

A sigh left her mouth as she remembered the feeling of touching her little sister's body just a while back. It was... cold. Colder than that of a normal human body. Certainly, something was wrong, she thought.

But for now, she had no proof other than that feeling of uncertainty. As such, she would do the usual thing she always did ever since that "incident", to observe the truth from the shadows and never hesitate to act.

And soon enough, something appeared at the corner of her vision. Prompting her to follow along. And so, she did just that.

[Meanwhile, Medical Bay]

Mei couldn't hold back her tears as she looked at the girl, whom she had been searching for, since their unfortunate separation.

It may have been only a couple of months but for Mei, those months felt like eternity.

Kiana: "Mei..."

Mei: "Kiana... We meet again..."

Kiana: "Yeah, we did. Although we only met a couple of days ago in ARC, it feels like we haven't seen each other in months, you know?"

With a chuckle, she said so. Hearing her talking casually made Mei relieved, yet at the same time, became even more concerned. After all, she acted as if nothing was wrong in the slightest. Even the smile she had on her face right now felt... wrong and forced.


Would it be a mistake to believe in her friend's condition based on her appearance?

Kiana: "Anyway, this weird ceiling scared me at first since it just seems so odd and unfamiliar. But when I remember that you're the one who brought me and lifted me up from that rubble, I know that it should be safe. But... I never thought that you would find me again. After all that has happened."

Still with the same smile, she said so.

And then, silence fell between the two. If not for the fact that the sound of a curtain being moved entered their ears which caused them to look at the bed next to Kiana's.

Lei: "I feel like I'm being forgotten..."

A pout formed on her face as she said to the two.

Kiana: "Eh? You did? Then my plan worked."

Lei: "You... Is this a revenge on the days where I teased you? And it's also clear that you closed my curtain just so I would be unable to hinder your reunion."

She said with an exasperated expression and a sigh while Kiana grinned.

Kiana: "No? Of course not. I would never do such a cruel thing such as leaving you out."

Lei: "Say that after you erase that grin, you idiotic girl."

Kiana chuckled and so did Lei.

Seeing the sight before her, Mei made a nostalgic look.

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