Chapter 31

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Another Universe, Ray’s POV

I woke up and the first thing I see is a familiar yet unfamiliar ceiling of my room, I lifted my body and looked at the clock.

It shows 5 AM, I got out of the bed and did some warm up.  Well, let's go for a jog. I thought before opening the door, and walked downstairs.

I walked to the front door and picked up my running shoes, I wore it and did some adjustment by doing some little steps.

??? : “Ray ?”

I looked back and saw that Mom was up, she let out a yawn.

Ray : “Oh, it’s you mom. What’s wrong ?”

Mom : “Where are you going ?”

Ray : “I was about to go jogging, is it okay ?”

Mom : “It’s okay, make sure to be back before 6.”

Ray : “Got it, Mom.”

I opened the front door and got out of the house, I closed the door behind me and started walking. Not long after that, I started running.


I sat down on the park bench as I let out a tiring breath, I managed to jog for 30 minutes straight.

Now, I need to do this everyday so my stamina will increase more.

I finished my thought as I looked up, the sky was still dark.

??? : “Ray ?”

Ray : “Huh ? Kevin ? What are you doing here ?”

I saw Kevin walked to me and sat down beside me, he looked tired.

Kevin : “Well, I was jogging.”

Ray : “You too ?”

Kevin : “Oh ? You jog as well ?”

Ray : “Yeah...”

Kevin : “I see...”

Ray : “Wait, you live around here ?”

Kevin : “Yup, not far from this park. Maybe around 100 meters, or 150. How about you ?”

Ray : “Well, my house is around there.” *Points at a direction*

Kevin : “Huh ?! You jog all the way here ?!”

Ray : “It’s not far you know...”

Kevin : “But that’s 10 kilometers away !”

Ray : “Really ? Now I know how far have I go.”

I stood up.

Ray : “Well, it’s time I go back. See you in school, Kevin.”

I started walking while I heard Kevin’s confusion, after a minute of walking I started running back.


I let out a little pant as I arrived home, I opened the door and got inside. I looked at the clock and it shows 6 AM.

Well, right on time at least.

I thought as I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water, I sat down and started drinking it.

Ray : “Phew, that was nice.”

Mom : “Oh, you’re back ?”

Ray : “Yep”

I answered as I noticed that Mom was walking down the stairs, she walked to the kitchen.

Ray : “Making breakfast ?”

Mom : “Yeah, want some pancakes ?”

Ray : “Of course, after all you’re the best pancake maker in the entire world.”

I said as I heard my Mom laughed, I got upstairs and walked to bathroom. I took a bath and wore my uniform, I got downstairs and noticed that Dad was already on the table with pancakes.

Ray : “Morning Dad.”

Dad : “Morning, oh and Ray ?”

Ray : “Yeah ?”

Dad : “I heard you did a jog this morning.”

Ray : “Yeah, because I just feel like it.”

Dad : “Oh, that’s a good exercise. But, make sure to not force yourself okay ?”

I nodded and sat down, Mom delivered my plate with pancakes on it. She then sat down as well, and we started breakfast.

After we finished, a bell was heard from the front door. I grabbed my lunch, and put it inside my bag. I picked up my bag and opened the door, Mobius is there waiting for me.

Ray : “Mobius is here, I’ll be going now.”

Mom & Dad : “Be careful, okay ?”

I said “Okay” as I closed the door, we then started walking. We chat while we walk and so time pass, and now we’ve arrived at school.

Well, it does feels weird going to highschool again. But, it’s not that bad.

I thought as we walked inside the school, I noticed a few students were looking at us. I was confused but then realized what it was, I looked beside me and saw Mobius.

Mobius : “Hmm ? What’s wrong Ray ?”

Ray : “No, nothing.”

I said as I shake my head a bit, Mobius just tilted her head. Not long after that, we got into out classroom.

I saw that Mei and Kevin were already inside, they were talking happily. I realized that the boys was looking at Kevin with jeaoulsy, I let out a small laugh but no one heard it of course.

Ray : “Hey Kevin, Mei.”

Both of them noticed us and greet us as well, I sat down on my seat. I looked out the window, letting myself immersed by the view of nature.

The school bell rang and I got out my books, the teacher walked in and the first period begins.


The school bell rang again, this time it was time for the first break. I got out my lunch and opened it, I realized that Mobius was looking at me.

She moved her tables beside me and got out her own lunch as well, she opened it.

Kevin and Mei did the same, they moved their chair and sat in front of us.

Ray : “Well, let’s eat together shall we ?”

We started eating our own lunch, and sometimes we traded our food with each other. Mobius then picked up a spoon and put it in front of me.

Mobius : “R-ray, A-aahn...”

I realized she was blushing a bit, and opened my mouth, eating it. Strangely, I was feeling embarrassed as well.

I realized that Kevin and Mei was grinning,  I looked at them.

Ray :*Sigh* “What is it ?”

Kevin : “No, nothing.”

Mei : “Yeaah, nothing here”

I deadpanned at them, and continued eating.

Meanwhile, 3rd POV.

Mei : That was bold Mobius !

Kevin : What a bold move, I must praise you for that. Sadly, I can’t do it to Mei... Wait, or can I ?

Mobius : I-I did it ! I hope Ray wasn't disturbed by that...

Ray : Mom’s cooking is good. I'll ask her if she can add my portion later...

They have their own thought, but they didn’t realized that the class was looking at them. Some feel envy, others feel happy.

They continues to eat, and not long after that they finished. They talked for a while before the bell rang once again, it was time for the next period.


School ended and now Ray and the others are walking to the arcade, Kevin asked them if they wanted to go which in response they do.

Kevin’s true aim was to get him and Mei got a picture together, he has planned it all along. He told this to Ray before they went out of the class, Ray just responded with a “Good luck”.

They arrived at the arcade, they decided to go in pair. Ray with Mobius, and Kevin with Mei. They spent their time together and time passes, before they got home. Kevin asked Mei if she want to get a picture, which in response she accepted the offer.

Kevin was happy, but his expectation about getting him and her pictured shattered as she asked Ray and Mobius to get a picture of the four of them. Ray looked at Kevin with a simpathy face, Mobius did the same. They got their picture taken, but before they got home.

Mobius : “Mei, how about we take a picture in pairs ?”

Kevin hope rised as Mei seems to be thinking about Mobius’s advice, she nodded and Ray patted Kevin’s shoulder as he is happy Kevin’s hope will be true.

But, reality isn’t kind as what Mei agreed was that she and Mobius while Ray with Kevin. A picture appeared with Ray patting Kevin who is in despair on the shoulder in it, Mobius takea look at the picture and let out a laugh.

It is time to go home, Ray and Mobius already walked back. But, before Kevin got out of the arcade. Mei suddenly grabbed his hand and asked him if he wants to take a picture with her.

Kevin quickly nodded and they took a picture, just the two of them. Kevin smiled as he got a copy of it, but he didn’t realized that Mei was smiling as well while looking at him.

Both of them got out of the arcade and walked home, Kevin offered himself walking her home which in response Mei accepted his offer.

They walked to Mei’s house and Kevin was surprised when they arrived, Mei’s house was luxurious. She has told her house to Kevin and the other two, but he didn’t expected it to be this luxurious.

Mei : “Thank you for walking me home, Kevin.”

Kevin : “No problem, it is my job to make sure you got home safely.”

Mei : *Giggles* “I see...”

Kevin : “Well, see you tomorrow, Mei.”

Mei : “See you, Kevin.”

Kevin waved as Mei got inside the gate of her house, he then started walking back to his house. He was so happy that his objective succeeded, as he got a picture of him and Mei.

Mei too is happy that she can get a picture of them, she walked to her room and put the picture in a frame. She looked at it fro a few seconds and her smile didn’t go away, she didn’t noticed that her mother is looking at her from the door.

Mei’s Mother : “Fufufu ~ , it seems that my daughter has found her partner.”

Mei was surprised at her mother's voice, she looked back and noticed that she was looking at her.

Mei : “M-mom !”

Mei’s Mother : “Care to tell about this boy ?”

Mei’s Mother was grinning and Mei slowly blushed, but she slowly nodded and told her about Kevin. Meanwhile, Kevin who is studying suddenly sneezed.

Kevin : “Is somebody talking about me ?”

He asked himself, but he just shrug it off and continued studying.


Author : Sorry for the no update yesterday...

Narrator : Did something happen ?

Author : I... Don’t have any motivations to write...

Narrator : ... Seriously ?

Author : Why are you looking at me like that ? It’s not like I can feel motivated whenever I wanted you know

Narrator : *Sigh* Fair point...

Author : But... When I played a song I can get motivated... But anyway, is there any question ?

Narrator : What happens to Veliona ?

Author : Hmm, that will be explained in the future chapters

Narrator : Is that so... But today’s chapter was quite… Quiet...

Author : Really ? I think it’s normal though...

Narrator : Or is it because this chapter is just a filler ?

Author : Perhaps...

Narrator : If you say so... Well then !

Author & Narrator : Thank you for reading, and we’ll see you in the next chapter ! Bye bye !

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