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I opened my eyes as I felt a sharp pain in my arm. I hissed in pain as I feel someone help me.

"It's okay, it's gonna be alright." It's a girls voice.

I look up to see the girl that was tied onto the ship railing.

"My name is Tsireya, I am the daughter of Chief Tonowari and Tsahik Ronal. I am here to help you" she said in a comforting voice.

I sat up against the wall to get more comfortable. "My name is Swirya, you must know my dad, Quaritch." I say in pain.

"I know you are not like him, Swirya. But you must heal. You have had plenty of sleep you just need to rest." She says.

"How much have I slept?"

"4 days" she responds. I eyes widen at the response, I was not expecting that.

"That's okay, it's totally normal." She says smiling at me as she puts my bandage back on.

"I will have some food ready in a bit, my brother will bring it to you. Do not worry he is not a threat, nobody here is. You must be starving what foods do you like?" She asks.

"Any fruit or fish will be fine." I say, hoping they eat those.

"Of course, Rya" she says and walks away.

I got a nickname.. I must have a friend.

I lean back on the wall as there was nobody else here. I close my eyes and thank eywa.. I believe she has helped me through all of this.

I open my eyes and look around at the beautiful place this is. I wish I grew up here but I miss Kai.

Just then I panic.. was it a dream? About Kai? Did he really die?

Just then Aonung walked in with foods on a plate.

"Morning, brought you the foods. Are you alright?" He asks with a confused look.

"Where's my brother? Is he dead?"

Aonung only looks down and says nothing but that tells me everything. Everything I need to know.

"Oh.." I say. My eyes start to tear once more.

"It's okay, his ceremony is whenever you are ready. He will live amongst eywa and our ancestors." He said rubbing my none hurt arm.

That felt soothing and it had calmed me down.

Without thinking about the pain I hugged him. I realized he was shocked so I pulled away.

"I am so sorry that came out of nowhere" I say.

"It's fine, I know what you're going through." And he hugged me. I felt relieved so I hugged him tighter, not wanting to pull away.

We sat together talking about ourselves and I learned he's a great diver and hunter. He also loves hanging out with his sister Tsireya and best friend Rotxo.

"I don't really have any friends. Other than spider and Tiger.. how are they by the way?" I ask.

"Well.. Spider asked Tiger out and of course she said yes. Is there anybody you don't know? Probably not Neteyam.Hes nice. Loaks sometimes a bitch but has a soft spot for Tsireya. They're the two brothers. Neteyam is older. Then they have two sisters Kiri and Tuk. Tuk is 8 so she's kind of young."

He kept on talking and his voice was so soothing to me. I could listen to him talk for hours.

"How was your childhood?" He asked.

I was stunned by the question but decided to answer it.

"Oh well half of my life I was alone, training with my dad until he found out I had a brother, Kai, who he had kidnapped from the sullys. Then it's just been me and Kai. Until spider and Tiger were taken from the sullys as well." I replied.

"Oh.. I'm sorry for asking" he said.

"No no it's okay I understand you were curious. How is Neteyam handling the death?" I asked. Eyes red and puffy now.

"Not very well, he hasn't been eating a lot and has been in his marui pod all the time." Aonung replied.

"Where am I going to stay?" I ask.

"Well we already have a marui pod for you and ready if you want to move there for rest. You were in here just for healing."

"Yes please" I reply and he took my hand to help me up and showed me around the village.

"This is me and my family's marui pod and that over there on the end is the sullys but yours is this way" he said pointing to the opposite direction.

We arrived there and I saw my bow and arrows in one spot as well as food and gifts on the other.

I walked in and looked around amazed.

"Yall did this? For me?" I asked.

He nodded in a reply and I only started crying again. He came up and hugged me once more. I felt his embrace and just melted in it.

"Of course, your one of us now"

"Am I interrupting something?" A boys voice said.

"Yes Loak, yes you are." Aonung said.

He turned around and I went into Loaks view from behind Aonung.

"You must be Kai's sister, how are you feeling?" He asked.

"I'm well, never better."

"I came here to see if you wanted to pay Neteyam a visit, we're all worried and you were the closest to Kai." He said, he seemed worried for his brother.

"Of course" I said and I walked out leaving Aonung behind as I followed Loak.

"Teyam.. this is Kai's sister..uhhh" he paused.

"Swirya but you can call me Ry or Rya" I helped Loak.

"Hey.." neteyam said. I could tell he was very sad.

"Neteyam if you don't want me here, I can leave." I say reassuring him.

"No no... stay.." he said almost at a whisper.

Loak walked away as I walked closer to Neteyam, sitting beside him. I rubbed his back as Kai would do to me.

"I never knew Kai was alive until then.. I wish I could've had more time with him." Neteyam said.

"I promise he was safe around me and he's safe with eywa.. he's with his father. I just know they're laughing at us right now." I say trying to cheer me and Neteyam up.

He just chuckled.. It must've worked.

"I just.. miss him." He said.

He then turned to me and looked into my eyes.

"Yes I know you miss him, I do to." I say.

He then looks deeper into my eyes.

"Your eyes are blue? And your an Omatikaya? How?" Neteyam asked.

"Well, our mother was just like these people around here, she was a Metkayina. But he got his dads eyes as I got my moms eyes." I explained.

"Oh.. makes sense. Thank you.." he says.

"For what?" I ask.

"For cheering me up."


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