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"Shh shh it's okay" the metkayina boy said, they others leaving to finish the war.

"I know this isn't a good time but.. names Aonung." He said.

That's a pretty name

"S-Swirya" I say stuttering.

I couldn't contain my tears. There was so much going on. I turned to him to see him just staring at me.

My eyes are puffy and red with tears rolling down my cheek.

I lean towards him and tightly hug him. It feels good to feel the warmth of someone.

I back away realizing what I had done. "I am so sorry I'm just sad and worried and.."

"It's okay, you need to get healed though" he said.

"I-I can't. I have to kill him.." I explain.

"Kill who?"

"My dad."

He looked at me wide eyed but nodded in understanding.

I looked at Kai's body and got more furious. I couldn't hold it much longer.

"You gonna come?" I asked.

"I need to get home.. I'm sorry" he said. I nod in understatement and let him go.

I had anger in my eyes, anger in my blood.

I call out for my ikran as she comes to me.

"Mawey" I say. Rubbing her snout.

I make tsaheylu as I hopped on her. I needed revenge. I took off, looking for the ship.

I eventually came up on it and landed on the deck. This place was close to sinking all the way down. I needed to make this fast.

I hopped off of Zy'ra and told her to go away from dangers.

She listened and I watched her fly away. I grabbed my bow from my back and crawled as I heard people nearby.

They weren't looking so I shot one and went behind another twisting his neck.

I growled in anger as I was letting all of it out.

I stabbed one multiple times with my knife as I hit another in the face with my bow. The bow that me and Kai made together.

I noticed a crack in it so I stopped using it until I could get it fixed.

I heard another killing people, the woman from the ikran. He looked at me with horrid eyes. We both smiled at eachother as we made our way to the other side of the ship.

Just then there was an explosion knocking me off of my feet. I quickly got up and started to shoot more people with a gun. The woman and Jake both met up with me as we quickly went to the two girls.

Only one was on the railing.

"Where's your sister?" Jake asked.

"That way" she replied and we followed until we saw dad coming from around the corner, holding a knife to her neck.

Jake tried getting to her but dad only pushed the knife deeper.

"Don't push me sully" he replied.

He then threw cuffs on the ground.

"Cuff yourself" he demanded. I've never seen him like this.

"You son of a bitch" Jake said through his teeth cuffing himself.

Just then spider came around the corner.

"No don't hurt her!" Spider said.

"Stay back!" Dad said.

I only looked at spider trying to tell him to find shelter and back down. It was too late.

The woman grabbed him by his hair and held a knife to his throat.

"Release or I cut" she said.

I was scared, I couldn't lose another brother. But this was her daughter on the line and I didn't know what to do.

She got really close to stabbing him, raising her knife when dad raised his knife.

"NO" he yelled. I thought he didn't care for us?

I looked at him confused but wide eyed as the woman threw spider down and dad threw the girl down. They went to eachother and hugged eachother.. guessing that was Kiri.

Jake and dad were saying things to eachother but I couldn't hear anything, my ears were ringing. I had blood all over myself. Some of it was mine but most wasn't

We all started swimming until the water lit on fire and it started coming towards us. We had to evacuate. We all got up but the little girl fell down a hole, the woman diving after her.

Spider and Kiri ran to the top of the ship to stay above water while dad and Jake were fighting.

I was loading my hearing and vision because of the blood loss from the bullet.

I couldn't take anymore so I called for Zy'ra and went towards the village, where I hoped they would take care of me. Until I passed out... making me and Zy'ra fall.

Everything went black and the last thing I heard was a few voices coming towards me

Everything went black and the last thing I heard was a few voices coming towards me

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