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"I don't know anything!!" Spider said. He was in a contraption the corporal put him in to give them the information about Jake.

"We know you know, just tell us" corporal said, Quaritch by her side.

He knew it was hurting the kid, he was bleeding from his nose and he was dizzy. The flashing lights and circular thing around him made him dizzy.

Just then the machine was cut off.

Switch POV

I turned off the machine as they were hurting the kid just to get information about a man he happened to be around. I felt bad for him but I made sure the sullys knew he was safe.

Same with the girl. She was more of an introvert and quiet. She didn't like talking and was bunched up in a corner pulling her knees to her chest.

Dad turned around, same with the corporal.

"What the hell Swirya!" Dad yelled. "Control your kid." Corporal said.

"No you can't hurt the kid, this is bullshit putting these kids at risk because they know who Jake sully is. Don't bring the kids into this, go find him yourself dickwaud!"

I've had enough of them. Just then my brother pulled me back, tied my arms behind my back.


"Just go with it" he whispered in my ear. So he took me to our room and shut the door.

He signed as he turned to me. "Do you know who you're talking to?" He asked.

"Yes I do. But that doesn't mean we don't speak up."

"Speaking up can get you killed." He had a good reason but it was still wrong.

"I signaled Jake they would be fine." I finally admitted. We've had them for 2 days and they have said nothing about Jake.

"Of course my idiotic sister would do such a thing" then he put both hands on my arms. "When will you learn."

"You mean when I'll be perfect and just like you? No fucking way." I finally blurted out.

We often had our fights but I was protecting people who did nothing wrong.

"Just... lay low. If you're going to do something stupid.. lemme go with you."

My face brightened up and I smiled as he said that. I hugged him with delight as he hugged me back. Kai was a brother from another father.

We had different dads but the same mom. He was real but skinny with yellow eyes as I was dark blue  and skinny but I had very light blue eyes.

Just then, through the window that connected our room to another, we see the two kids being thrown into the room.

The boy still has blood on his face as the girl is crying, and balled up in the corner.

At this point they were just being brutal.

"Can we go talk to them?" I asked dad as he passed by our room.

"I don't care." He said coldly not even looking in my direction and kept walking.

I smile crept on my face as I pulled Kai into the room of the two human kids, who looks around my age.

I open the door, which startles them.

"I am so sorry, I'm Swirya! This is my brother Kai!" As we stepped in we towered over them.

"Umm.. hi? I'm spider and this is my friend Tiger."

"Nice to meet u both" Kai spoke up.

"Did you say dad earlier?" Spider asked.. I was very confused. "Oh yes, Quaritch, the bad guy I guess. He's my dad. Kai doesn't ha-"

Just then I was cut off.

"Yes I know who Kai is."

Then tigers face lit up along with spiders as spider said that.

"Wait.. Spider? Like THE spider Socorro?! And THE Tiger Spellman?!"

Kai emphasized the word THE so I was very confused. Just then I saw all of them tighten up into a hug.

"Dude where did u go?" Spider asked.

"Quaritch found out me and Ry had the same mother so he tracked me down and took me while I was out in the woods one morning."

Spiders face showed everything that he was thinking.

"Dude Neteyam cried for days and didn't eat til he passed out." That only made Kai feel bad.

"Wait wait you knew them?" I finally asked Kai.

"Yeah they were my family after the war, when my dad died."

"Wait did you say Quaritch was your dad?" Spider asked me confused. "Hmm yeah?" I said sounding more like a question.

"He's also my dad, I guess different moms" spider awkwardly chuckled. Tiger giggling as well.

We all sat around as we got to know eachother.

It crept to midnight when me and Kai decided to go to bed, excited to hang out with spider and Tiger some more.

A/N: kinda short but plz bear with me I'm on vacation.

A/N: kinda short but plz bear with me I'm on vacation

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