Lucy Bronze X Keira Walsh X Y/N~Trying To Move On~

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"Y/n M/n, stop with the bluntness and talk to me" I rolled my eyes at my mum's use of my first and middle name.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, Y/n. What's going on, sweetheart. Talk to me, please"

"I'm just tired" I said, lying.

"Y/n. Please" My mum pleaded. I wasn't giving in though.

"I just told you. I. Am. Fine." I said with a little more attitude, which my Mum clearly didn't like.

"Right. Y/n. Unless you tell me what's going on, i'll ask Keira what's happened. Why are you being so rude and blunt for?" My mum said, raising her voice a little more.

I stayed silent this time, not bothering to waist my energy on a reply. I turned on my other side, looking out of the balcony window.

"Well?" My mother spoke up.

I felt a weight lift from my bed, my mum  got up, and walked to my side of the bed, crouching down, looking directly at me.

She had a look of annoyance in her eyes, "Darling, please? What's
up? Have I done something?, please tell me if it's something i've done. If it is, please tell me, I want to fix it, please baby girl" My mum pleaded.

I shook my head, closing my eyes. I felt my mum's hand rest on the side of my head, stroking the side. "Y/n, i'm begging you, please, please talk to me. What's up"

"The sky" I absentmindedly replied sarcastically.

"For gods sake, Y/n" my mum mumbled under her breath. I felt bad, whoops.

"Sorry" I mumbled out.

"Tell me what's going on, darling"

"I don't like this" I sighed out.

"Don't like what, sweetheart?"

"This, our life here now. I don't like it. It's not the same as it was, I don't like this change, I don't like that I have to see my parents on separate occasions, I don't like coming home to see yous two together, i'm sorry if that upsets you. But I just don't like it. I don't like seeing all over social media, about yours and Kei's personal lives, speculating what's happened between yous two. The speculations that yous hate eachother, the speculations that yous cheated on eachother, even when the public didn't even know yous were together. The constant photos and videos of you and Ona, the photos and videos of Kei and her new girlfriend, I've had enough of it all. All of it. It's all too much for me. I know yous have moved on and all that, but I haven't, it's so much different from my point, the only time I ever get to be around you both at the same time is when I come to watch yous train sometimes or when it's for games, other than that, it's almost like watching yous two pretend you hardly know eachother. I hate it Mum, I fucking hate it" I rambled out, not expecting to say all of what I said.

I looked at my Mum for the first time since speaking up properly, and she was full on crying.

"I- I, i'm sorry. I di-didn't know you felt like that, sweetheart" My mum said quietly.

"Why would you know. You moved on so quickly, you put all your focus on your new relationship, pretending that all is happy and great, when it's not. Not for me anyway. And you, trying to hide yourself and Ona from me, and me finding out through social fucking media. That's low, fucking low. Mum. It's like those seven odd years you and Kei were together, it's like it practically didn't happen at all" I ranted, my Mum cried more.

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I'm really sweetheart, I wish I'd told you about me and Ona from the start. I'll always regret not telling you that. You shouldn't have had to find out via third parties, because it was my responsibility to tell you that. I can't apologise enough, Y/n, I really can't. And as for those seven years. I'll never forget about them or that pretend they didn't happen, because in those seven years, you grew up so much, having you travel here there and everywhere with me and Kei, even Kei looking after you for time when I was busy in Lyon, I can't repay Kei for that. She took you in as her own, and still sees and treats you as her own, she always will. I owe her everything for that. Because she didn't have to, but she did, I'll always love her for that and everything else we had together. I'm sorry it didn't work out between us, but it is what it is, darling.
I'm sorry" My mum said, I shook my head.

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