Chapter 32: a meeting of darkness

Start from the beginning

His untapped reservoir of darkness emerged as a manifestation of his pain. In a chilling display, Jason lost control, unleashing a demonic power that brutally battered Issei to the brink of death. The sheer ferocity of this episode left an indelible mark, revealing a side of Jason that seemed to transcend the realms of darkness.

Kurogiri, with a smirk veiled behind his mask, acknowledged the depth of Jason's hatred and darkness.

Kurogiri:His is a fury and bitterness unlike anything I've ever witnessed. Imagine if that potent darkness were harnessed and directed toward our cause.

Salem, the enigmatic queen of grimms, pondered these revelations.

Salem:Our side? I do not interact with the League of Villains. Their pursuits are their own, and my goals transcend the petty conflicts of heroes and villains.

Kurogiri leaned forward, his presence imposing.

Kurogiri:Lady Salem, consider the potential. Jason Uchiha's darkness is a force that could tip the scales in our favor. With his power, the chaos we seek to sow could reach unprecedented heights.

Salem's eyes, deep pools of shadow, flickered with contemplation.

Salem:He is a broken soul, drowning in the shadows of his past. To wield such darkness requires a delicate touch.

Kurogiri persisted,

Kurogiri:Yet, Lady Salem, it is precisely that darkness that could fuel the flames of chaos. Imagine a force so potent that it could shatter the very foundations of Union Academy, the Smith family, and any who dare stand against us.

Salem remained silent, her thoughts weaving through the intricate threads of destiny.

Salem:i do not make alliances lightly, Kurogiri. But if Jason Uchiha's darkness aligns with our goals, if it can serve as a catalyst for the chaos we envision, then perhaps...

The dark corners of the realm seemed to echo with the weight of unspoken decisions. The alliance, if forged, promised a convergence of formidable powers, each carrying their own brand of darkness, converging in the pursuit of chaos that would reshape the very fabric of their worlds.

In the shadows of the realm, Deathstrike, the enigmatic young man, voiced a question that lingered in the minds of those who tread the murky waters between heroism and villainy.

Deathstrike:It still bothers me

he began, his tone carrying a tinge of frustration

Deathstrike:why does he fight for the sake of those bastard heroes?

Kurogiri, the emissary from the League of Villains, pondered this inquiry with a depth of consideration.

Kurogiri:All For One mentioned he has been scarred more than that. Something else must have happened to him when he left.

The air around them seemed to thicken with unspoken secrets, the weight of a past unknown casting a shadow over Deathstrike's words. Kurogiri, hidden behind his mask, continued to delve into the enigma that was Jason Uchiha.

Kurogiri:He believes becoming a hero could atone for some things

Kurogiri finally revealed, his voice a low murmur that carried the weight of understanding.

Kurogiri:It is a path many tread, seeking redemption in the pursuit of justice. But Jason Uchiha's journey is layered with complexities that reach far beyond the surface.

Deathstrike listened, his features obscured by the shadows, yet an air of curiosity emanating from him. "Atonement," he echoed, contemplating the notion.

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