Chapter XIX

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"[Y/N]." Jotaro spoke, entering through the refined door that was recently renovated alongside a few more things inside my home. "Hm. What's with the flower." He lowered his head, using it as a way to point over at the small Lilly resting on the small cabinet by the entrance. 

I didn't know where else to put Max's flower, so I just left it around somewhere before I could get back to throwing it away once it died out. "Oh, that? It's nothing. Just something I picked up." Lying through my steady lips, he just gave me a glance back with no other emotion on his face. 

"You got more flowers." He noted once more, already ahead of me and striding into the next room to see the aesthetically cracked glass vase, blooming with the bouquet I receive once a fortnight. 

"I just like flowers, Jotaro." My face didn't change, keeping a warm smile which helped lighten up Jotaro's glaring gaze towards me. "I mean, surely you would know after all those times you were married to me..." 

He kept is glare at me, standing there as still as a statue. Only his fingers playing with the inside of the flower cups. His finger swirling around, almost teasing me; flicking his thumb against the rim every now. "Of course." He finally responded with, his fingers losing their motion on the flowers until they moved towards me. Grazing my cheek lightly, running down towards my moisturised lips - where I licked them instinctively.  

Within seconds, our bodies were pressed against each other on the soft sofa of my living room. With nobody to disturb us, we got busy - our body heat rising as his fingers laced themselves around my clothes. Peeling away the leggings where I helped him kick them off as my own hands unbuttoned his own shirt. Exposing his defined, muscular figure towering over me. 

"Good girl..." He muttered into my ear, softly biting my lobe and running his ear up my cartilage. Making my body shiver to his gentleness, mixed in with the teasing. Hands gripping tightly around my sweater and dragging it off my body with ease and lustful eagerness. 

My hips bucked against him, gasping for air heatedly, irregular. Much like his fingers towards the flowers, they also traced around my slit. Gathering my wetness before flickering my sensitive nub. He pinched it, smirking as he saw me moan out from his strong grip, before releasing me and circling the pleasurable spot. 

His lips soon leaned back towards my ear, whispering with tranquillity in his words: "Are you ready for me?"

My head nodded, the eagerness displaying greatly to a higher degree. Biting my lower lip with an exhale through my nose. His eyes making contact with me once again, pulling me in and knocking my canine away from my lip with his own. Biting gingerly, the brief sound of a belt unbuckling. Eventually, the man penetrated my tightness - my hips rolling against his own groin. Deepening myself into his length where I felt the occasional heavy throb hit achingly against my spongey walls. Our breaths both syncing with another, staring deeply into the other's eye as I curled myself closer to him like two swans locking necks together. 

My body continued to control it's rhythm with his, where he pushed into me quite roughly and more rigidly than before. Lustful intentions taking over, his fingers feeling the silkiness of my hair through his fingers as they reached down towards my ends and tugged on them lightly so I would gasp a moan out. Positioning my neck down for his lips to settle themselves onto the site, planting purple love bites all over; marking himself onto me. 

Though, pleasure and enjoyment doesn't always last unfortunately after muttering those 3 damned words. "I... love you." I moaned out, my dopamine taking control of my voice in the moment.

Jotaro abruptly stopped. Freezing up, with obvious shock in his eyes as he stared back down into mine. "What did you say?" He spoke assertively, no softness in his words.

Swallowing, I spoke again. "Uhm, I love you?" My body shifted slightly, trying to get him to move back with me. But he pulled me away, taking himself out of my hole and wiping himself clean - before pulling his clothes back onto his body. 

"Don't say that again." He demanded. There was venom in his words, slicing me up, and pushing me back into place. Though, I wasn't going to let down so easily on this.

"What, saying I love you?" I chuckled with obvious sarcasm, finding his insecurity ridiculous. "We fuck. A lot... and you're scared about me saying 'I love you'? You have got to be joking me, get back here." I gestured my hand back towards the sofa, as he was still sliding the belt through his silver buckle. Not even giving me a single glare. "Jotaro!" I shouted, trying to grab his attention.

"Listen, [Y/N]." He declared harshly, finding his coat to put it back on. "You don't love me. You don't want to love me again. We are not going back to that old life you missed so much. This is private, and you don't tell anybody about this. Understood?"

I gasped at him with a loud scowl, standing up, still bare and naked for him to see all my glory but I couldn't care less at the moment. "Seriously? I thought this was something, you know, not just me being your sex toy. I thought.... that..." The pained imagery of the day he divorced me was settling back into my mind which I tried to forget about. But one thing I knew was that he had never changed. He was the same man. 

"I'm sorry, but you know I can't with my work. I need to go, I've wasted enough time being here already." With that, the man slid his coat back on, not giving it a second thought and leaving me in this lonely household. The cold air hitting against my skin as I shivered and walked towards the master bedroom before breaking down into burning tears.

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Right, I know I hadn't uploaded in a while but that was due to some recent exams getting in the way in which I needed to focus myself more onto them before going back to writing. 

Also been binge watching the new Netflix show, Griselda, and god I am a simp for Gabriel Sloyer.

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