Chapter XVIII

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"How are you doing, lovely." Max winked at me with his common courtesy on display. Holding a small Lilly in his strong grip. "I thought this would look nice on your hair, ya mind?" 

I shook my head, the faint blush coating my cheeks as I emitted heat whilst he began to tuck the flower into my hair strands, tying it in place and making sure it stays in. As I looked in the reflection of the water by the crystalline murky pond, I could see my own face that I've always criticised for so long. Yet now, fascination arose inside of me where I had that new glow. Whether it was from all the sex I've been receiving lately or if it was because someone new in my life has made me feel so different from the previous [Y/N] that I once was, I would never know.

"Thank you. You really know how to make me pop." I smiled back at him, where he smirked back and lent me another wink. 

"No worries doll. You ready now?" He asked, reminding me of the day today. To head on over to his local Church out of respect for him if I'm going to continue having him in my life. But, am I even having him in my life as a partner if I'm indulging myself into pleasure with Jotaro during the night. "[Y/N]?"

I chuckled softly, nodding with slight eagerness. "Yeah, sorry. Zoned out, but I'm ready." He abruptly took my hand, which caused me to look back at him with surprise. My eyes widening slightly, before warming up to the touch and interlocking my fingers through his like spindled wool. With that, we moved away from the pond and inside of the umber coloured Church with it's towering gaze setting upon us, seemingly intimidating. But, soon after we entered and was greeting with warmth and comfort. As if we were coated with heated blankets around our dense shoulders.

The interior was beautiful. Accustomed with an assortment of holy items, and the intricate stained glass windows that set rays down upon the tiled stone. Casting no shadows, only a glowing light. There was an arranged manner, with the Church benches lined up neatly and padded with the red cushions. Even the scent was strong, having a primordial smell which caught by my own nose. Yet it was settled down with the kinder scent of candles burning inside the church, the wax melting down and releasing the sweeter whiff. What caught my eye was also the noticeable confessional boxes, alluring me towards it. 

"[Y/N]? Is that you?" I suddenly turned away to the voice that caught me off guard as my eyes lightened up when they were set upon two people I haven't seen since ages. 

"Abigail? Markus?" I let out a shocked chuckle, striding towards me with friendly smiles plastered on their faces. I also took notice of Max suddenly standing by my side, his hand sneakily curling around my waist - lowering his head at a tilt. "Oh my god, how are you? I haven't seen you two since... well, since my phone got stolen!"

 "I know, it's been a while hasn't it!" Abigail spoke up, with the two men staring at each other. I then departed myself from Max's clutch and hugged Abigail tightly. But I was soon greeted with an unexpected bump from her stomach, as I gasped slightly. 

"Oh!" I stepped back a bit, looking down at the obvious baby bump, before peering back into her eyes, sparkling back at me.

She let out a light chuckle back at my reaction, her smile widening and so did Markus'. "We... might've had a little accident. But, it's a happy accident and I'm glad it happened again." She rubbed her stomach, tracing small circles around with her fingers grazing the texture of her maternal crimson sweater. I could sense the happiness that was brought in this family, having another hope at continuing another life again now that their Jack was grown up. It was a pretty big gap, but I was cheerful for the two; wanting only glee brought into their uncomplicated lives. 

"Come on, the father is starting." Max mumbled under his breath, grabbing me away from me friends as I gave them one more twinkle before being led by the blonde man off to the benches. We was around the front, and I sat right on the end noticing the Priest soon walk by the altar. 

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