Chapter VII

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"Jolyne, come on now..." I sighed at her bitterness and resentment towards her father.

"No, I will not 'come on'." She complained before frowning at her sudden lash out towards me. "Sorry, mom. Just want to get the disease out of the room before I get even more unwell than I am."

This caused me to chuckle softly at her attitude, though Jotaro still stayed silent as he walked over to Jolyne but kept some distance between them knowing full well how awkward it felt in the room.

"Why did you act so stupidly and involve yourself in a fight like that. You could've been in even more harm than what you are now." He spoke, still lacking emotion on his voice so it was barely believable if he actually cared. But I knew this man, I previously married him after all, and obviously he would care for his daughter. I hoped at least...

Jolyne practically laughed in his face before replying with poisoned words. "Oh? Oh really dad? So now you care about what happened to me? Wow! Gosh that's such a surprise! Because where the fuck were you when I got sent to the Police Station at 14?" Her arms flailed about to show how angry she was.

Jotaro paused for a second, as I saw the cogs in his brain begin to work on how to respond to that. She had a point, and I rarely doubt that he could come up with something convincing in order to calm her down.

"I was ... busy. Doing my job. Jolyne." He kept speaking bluntly, almost as if he was trying to hide something from us, which only irritated myself and Jolyne even more. I stayed silent, however, as I knew I had to be the better person in this situation and calm down the situation if it escalated.

"Busy? Yeah, like you always were. Leaving both me and mom so you could enjoy yourself your trips in Japan, Africa, Canada... wherever the hell you've been! You don't care about any of us, just admit it." She shouted, her chest rising up and down with anger. I moved over to Jolyne to rub her shoulder, allowing my touch to calm her down.

Jotaro thought again, obviously struggling what to say in this situation. I guess he hasn't had much experience being a father because of how long he's been away from us. "I do care about both of you, my work is just... difficult." He struggled to speak.

"How the hell can being a Marine Biologist be difficult! You're just examining fish and coral!"

He shook his head in response. "It's a bit more complicated then that, and it's not just about Marine Biology." He looked over at me as well as he spoke. "It's more than that."

Me and Jolyne both looked at each other, trying to understand what exactly Jotaro means by that. Though, even trying our hardest to think about it, it still didn't make any sense why he'd leave us just for his work. Soon enough, I spoke up.

"Look, Jotaro, just be a father for once in your life time. I'm going to leave the room so you can speak with your own daughter properly" I saw Jolyne protest as I said that, but I stopped her from speaking anymore. "Just... be good for once. I'll be outside."

He didn't say anything more in response, though his hard eyes kept their focus on me as I began to make my way out of the room not before giving Jolyne a kiss on her forehead. Soon enough, I was out, quietly shutting the door behind me as I heard a bit more arguing come from Jolyne. Though, I wanted them to both talk about their issues privately without my interference, as much as I wanted to still be there for my girl.

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After about half an hour whilst I found stuff to keep me occupied; He soon walked out of the room, with a frown masking his face. I assumed that it didn't go well. 

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