Chapter XV

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With the weeks beginning to pass by, summer soon arose. Florida began to get back into its busy state, with tourists flowing around from every corner of the road. It was also the perfect time to go on out more, explore the new businesses which have been set up and watch Jolyne arriving back home after going round her friend's and boyfriend. 

For myself, I hadn't taken much of a care on trying to contact Jotaro anymore. He didn't have his location on his phone, so I had no clue where he could be right now. Yet, if I could take a guess, he would most likely still be here to continue his 'research' whether it'd be for his Marine Biology work or whatever he was getting himself into.

However, I had been talking to the ice-cream man, Max, through SMS. Texting him about what I do and a part of my life. All the good parts of my life that give me a better impression. He asked about having coffee with him at a café in which I eloquently accepted.

I smiled a gentle smile, my eyes softening as I saw him enter the coffee shop. His hair neatly done. Sticking out in gelled spikes, with a fancier set of clothing - too fancy for just an ice-cream man. His charming smile shined, teeth twinkling in the glowing sun as he sat opposite me. "You look beautiful as always. I've got something for you."

A small bouquet of roses were presented, with a tinge of blush growing across my cheeks as I moved my hand to cover my giddy smile. "W-wow.. never had someone go this far for a date." 

"Oh, you want to call it a date? I like that. Let's call it that." His voice growled, giving me a wink as I grew flustered. Was I meant to be charmed by this man? I wasn't sure at this point, but I could tell the butterflies in my stomach were growing like the little girl I used to be. 

With that, we both ordered our coffee without a sweet treat this time, as we continued to talk to each other; getting to know each other better on a personal level. I could tell he was a nice man from the way he acted towards me with respect and I felt like I was an equal towards him. Throwing a few compliments at me every now and then, to cause my flush on my tainted cheeks grow with more of a tint. 

"So... you've got a child?" Shit. I knew this question would be coming, so I just nodded politely whilst anticipating his response towards me being a mother. "Hm.. That's pretty strong you know. Raising a child like that on your own - it's admirable." He spoke with a kind tone, almost as if he was affirming me of his opinion.

I couldn't help but smile widely at the words spoken, my heart lightening up to this man and feeling less tensed or nervous about him. "Thank you... you're very kind."

"So - your ex-husband." He suddenly jumped straight into, catching me off guard. "Why did he even divorce you?"

I was surprised by the sudden question, but soon spoke again. "How do you know I was married? I never told you." The smile was still plastered to my face, continuing to act cheerful despite my suspicion.

"Hah... I only guessed. After all, who wouldn't want to marry someone as beautiful as you." He spoke smoothly, too smooth. It was as if he was a spreadable butter that can fill the cracks of a piece of toast - though I just shook my head at the thought of my awful comparison. 

"Well, if I'm being honest I have no idea. His excuse was because of his work, but I doubted that due to how he acted. I mean, he even is acting weird right now with this whole other mystery on why he had to divorce me. But, it's not like I care anymore. I've moved on from all of that and I got more important problems to worry about rather than some man who always puts me down." I ranted out, realising I probably scared this man off with my complaint about my ex-husband. But his face didn't change, showcasing one of understanding and listening intently to what I've been talking about. 

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