Chapter X

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With an early start to the day, my mind was concentrated on solely my work set out for me for today. Heading off into the school with the bundle of school kids, standing outside with their cigarettes and the stench of weed, I moved past. My legs hurriedly motioned towards the staff building, with the usual elderly teachers hanging out there with their coffee in hand and a newspaper in the other. Terrence Collins, my fellow co-worker and dear friend wasn't here in the morning so I unfortunately had to put up making conversation with my other co-worker's without them mentioning how young I am in comparison to them.

The day was lively, thankfully, with the rays of sunshine hitting on our heads, warming up the office as our minds were at ease and allowing us to feel carefree for once before the students began to collect their textbooks and head to their lessons with us. We were like sloths, enjoying our somnolence whilst it lasts. 

"Miss [L/N]... [Y/N]!" Ah... never mind my rest. I turned round to see the voice of an Irish call me out, my eyes setting on the tall figure with faint ginger hair and bright green eyes which sparkled in the sun's emission, seeming so glossy and wide. Her wide smile could make anybody feel at peace.

"Hello Daniella, how are you?" I spoke up with a nod in her direction, yet I didn't smile back. The Headmistress sat down next to me on the chairs, where I closed down my laptop to pay attention to her.

"Lovely. Amazing day. Now, I saw your email, and I want to apologise massively in advance for not replying so soon! We've been having a few strikes from our staff members, and I'm getting it sorted with Frazer." She referred to the Vice-Headmaster, who worked alongside her to upkeep the standards and reputation of the school.

"Thank you, but it's still just... tiresome." I said gravely, disappointed that the reasoning for all of this is from the staff being underpaid as the cost of living begins to increase in the year of 2009. 

"I know it is, [Y/N]. As the school's headmistress, I am trying my hardest with this. I understand and appreciate your concerns."

"Maybe I had doubted her too much..." I thought, thinking that my approach perhaps came off as harsh despite how hard she works in order to keep everything regulated. "Thank you for the work you put into this issue at least."

"And thank you for understanding. Now, I need to go off to a meeting. I'll drop an email to you when we get it sorted." She smiled, giving my shoulder a soft pat before heading off to her own way, with the clanging on her red heels hitting against the tiled floor, lined with a marron carpet. 

With a heavy groan, I stretched my arms out whilst the crackling of my stiff back echoed, with my seat feeling nice and warm which I had to unfortunately leave now and head on over to make a start with my Textiles class. Swiftly, my hand stretched out to grab my laptop bag and I made my way through the crowded corridors, the stench of an old school building could be smelt from about a mile away. Fashionable clothes could be found everywhere on the students, some with neon bright pink clothing and fluffy purses. Others, with more neutral tones on not to stand out too much with the black and grey plaid flannel shirts. 

Grabbing the handle to my classes door, I opened it up in a brisk motion and set out my supplies. The fabrics at their designated spots; the sewing machines and needles on the side of the class. There was also some of the designs made by my previous pupils, hanging on the mannequins which surrounded the back of the room, where passion and hard work had been put into them. 

Then came in the young teenagers, shy ones and loud ones. Girls and a few boys. They greeted me as they entered: "Morning miss" they spoke, with another one coming behind to repeat the same thing as I smiled and nodded warmly at them altogether whilst I was sat by my own desk. 

"Good morning, everybody. Let's get out our folders now and see how you've been doing with the work I set you at home, hm?" I spoke clear and vocal, standing to make myself the authority figure of the classroom, with all these innocent eyes on me. Thus, the lesson began.

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Concluding the humid day; my fatigued body felt exhausted from the continuous verbal communication I had to uphold throughout. Knowledge I've been trained, being repeated between the different classrooms. It was difficult as a teacher, always having to figure out which classroom I've taught what and what all their names are as old students go and the new come in.

Within the progressively cold evening's embrace, my car put itself into drive and I decided to give myself a bit of a relaxing cooldown and enjoy the wistful beach that was not far from here. It took me about 15 minutes, where it wasn't crowded due to the timing and setting of the sun over the horizons within the deep ocean, expanding out vastly filled with coral hidden under the opaque water. 

It was beautiful, aside from the few kids running behind me as they chased each other with sea snails shells attached on the end of the tree branches they've picked up in the sand; their laughter filling the void on the beach as it slowly dampened in amplitude the further they went throughout the sand which stretched out miles away. 

I smelt the distinct scent of the salty water, which could almost even make my throat feel dry from the strength of being so close. There was the gentle movement of the waves rippling through the water, making a soft soothing sound which I could practically lay here in the sand and give myself a speedy catnap.

 However, to my surprise... I could spot a distinct trench coat with deep purple and golden lining, and his most iconic hat. He was looking off towards the distance in the ocean, holding a notepad yet he wasn't exactly writing in it. Just held it out in a weird position towards his side as if he was giving it to someone. 

"Jotaro...?" I finally announced myself, causing him to turn his chiselled jaw towards me as his notepad dropped to the sand. 

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Is it just me or are we seeing a reference to a particular stand ability... 

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