Chapter XI

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"Did you follow me here?" He grumbled, frustration heard in his voice to be caught out at the beach at this late hour as he went to pick up his notepad and place it in his coat pocket.

I stepped forward, standing by his side as I looked out onto the Ocean displayed in front of us; not looking at him. "No, I didn't. Just came back from my own work and saw you here."

He sighed heavily. It was clear that he didn't want anymore disruption to his day and hoped for a relaxing evening to destress from his own strenuous day.

I continued. "Anyhow, I didn't come here to try and find you. I'm also here for my own relaxation." I gave him a slight glance to my side towards him, before paying attention back to my surroundings and the Ocean sparkling under the upcoming moonlight. "We always seem to find ourselves under the moon's gaze, you know." I chuckled gently.

"How romantic." He remarked, no emotion behind his softened words.

The silence was still, as we have usually experienced, the rustling of the ocean's wind hitting against our faces, making our hair blow in the breeze. There was now no more noise. No more children running around in the sand, as they were now heading back home to go back to their homes and eat their scrumptious dinners. Occasionally, a crab scuttled across the thick sand as it moved into the water, finding its way back to its home. Even the flock of the birds were silently sound above our heads, as they moved through the night... following the stars back to their family in their nests.

"Why are you still here, [Y/N]? It's cold, you'll get sick." This caused me to look up at Jotaro, my eyebrows raised in surprise as I saw his concern for my wellbeing.

"I don't mind the cold. Either way, it's relaxing. Peaceful. With my ex-husband not irritating me for once."

A smirk plastered his handsome face, letting out a quiet laugh under his breath. We both turned our faces to each other, holding our eye contact for several seconds before I quickly looked back towards the ocean. Yet, soon enough, I heard his clothes rustling as he moved closer towards me.

"Here." He placed his coat over my shoulder, which covered my body and kept me warm from the cold evening. "I don't want to see you snivelling like a sick woman when we next coincidentally meet. But... I do want it back when you get back to your car."

"And what if I decide that I'd like to add it to my wardrobe as a new collection of mine?" I tighten the coat around my body, holding the break point tightly as I take in a deep inhale, my nose being filled with the distinct smell his cologne attached to the coat.

"Hm..." He thought, as I looked back up into his eyes, holding our gaze for even longer. Those deep, symmetrical and aquamarine looking into my own, almost with lustful intent. "Then I suppose I'll break into your room and take it back..."

"What if I'm there, laying in my bed, sleeping peacefully as you interrupt my sleep." I smirk, deciding to play with him and flirt, where in the past I would be too flustered to even think of doing this. Yet, now, I was a different woman completely. One who wasn't afraid of taking the next step.

"Oh? You want to know what I would do?" He moved even closer now, closer for comfort, as his hand played with a strand of my hair. "Nothing. I'd rather watch you beg." Before I could continue with this game, he abruptly stopped himself; his hand moving back down to his side. "What are you doing to me... [Y/N]."

"I'm making you realise what you missed, Jotaro." I pursued further with this game of seducing him. "I've changed... I'm more confident than the woman you used to love."

"You're so confusing, [Y/N]. You send me text messages that'll link me to scamming and porn websites and then-"

"Sorry, what?" I interrupted him, completely confused about this sudden accusation.

"What do you mean what? On your phone, you've sent me some strange messages, [Y/N]. Is that not clear enough for you?" There was a bit of abruptness in his tone, trying to put his point across, where he held a slight growl in his voice. "Have you changed so much you want to find my IP address and the location of my hotel."

I laughed. Laughing hard as I came to the realisation what he's talking about, and what I completely forgot to tell him. "Jotaro, god." I wiped my tears of laughter away from my eyes, where I couldn't stop snickering at this situation. I could tell on his face that he was confused at what was so funny. "Jotaro... I got my phone stolen. I mean, I swear I phoned my network provider to deactivate it. I guess they're just too busy."

"For fuck sake..." He cursed under his breath, looking over to the side to think about this. "First of all, stupid move to get your phone stolen like that. But, thank you for telling me. It... explains a lot now."

I smile softly at him, showing my compassion to his mistake. "It's fine." We stand there for a second or two, before he soon speaks some words which completely catch me off guard."

"[Y/N]. Would you like to go back to my hotel?" He speaks clear, without a stutter or nervousness in his voice. Completely brave in his own bold words.

"Jotaro... are you trying.... to tell me what I think you're telling me?" My head tilted to the side as I looked over at his openly smirking face.

"You could take it like that, if you want. But, this is the only chance I'm going to give you, otherwise you won't see me act like this again."

I didn't even think for a moment, immediately accepting his offer with an eager nod, which wasn't anything like me as I swore to myself to never pursue this man and regain my love for him. Yet, it doesn't have to be about love, and rather just lust...right?

He let out another chuckle, before his hand slipped around my waist and began to move me over to my car. "Good girl."

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I honestly just wonder what's going to happen next chapter. I wonder.... wink wink. Couldn't help but leave my lovely horny readers on another cliff hanger.

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