Chapter XVII

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Life was hectic and wild. On the alluded golden yet musky brass plated balancing scales of my life sat two men. On one side, during the day was the individual named Max who got slipped into my life subconsciously, alluring me in to see his own world. Where the grass was sprayed with the tinted green paint, and the sky coated in that serene baby blue wisped with the very few white clouds. 

Yet, on the other side was Jotaro, meeting him towards the end of the day where things began to turn risqué and enthralling my attention. Where the sky was coated with those red and purple gleams slowly fading into the darkness of the milky way sparkling onto the passerby's from his hotel room. It was whenever Jolyne went out to sleep over at her friends or boyfriend's that we would indulge in our bodies for the night. Tasting and nipping at each other's skin. Enwrapped like a Christmas present on our bodies with only our moans to leave a sound of memories.

"You awake, girl?" Kat asked, waving her hand in front of my face as I quickly blinked into reality after daydreaming of my many nights spent with Jotaro in the comforts of our beds. 

"Oh, yeah. What was you talking about again?" I asked, taking a sip of the hot tea, which brought warmth to my cold fingers. "Something about your girlfriend, right?"

"Oh, please." She snorted, peering on my face of which held my disassociation. "If anything, I want to hear what happened between you and Jotaro. Go on, spill the tea. Oh- okay, not literally."

I laughed, shaking my head thinking whether I should be honest about what happened in the recent events or leave my friend in the dark. Though, my decision soon came. "We... made love... or lust. I'm not sure."

Kat completely stopped with shock, the coffee she was drinking was pouring down her lip onto the table before it hit her hand as she yelped out loudly - causing the rest of the café to turn their concerned faces towards the pair of us. "Ah, hot, hot! Sorry!" She gasped, calming down with both our cheeks turning pink from a flush of embarrassment. 

"Are you okay, do you need me to ask for some ice?" I worriedly spoke, looking around for any nearby barista's. 

She quickly shook her head, holding out her hand to stop me. "I'm fine, but... shut up a second. What?! You and Jotaro... fucked?"

I gasped at her abruptness of words, especially in public. The faces looked back towards us again that I almost wanted to cower from the sheer brutality of embarrassment cutting holes into my delicate heart. "Kat, can you not!" I whisper-shouted for her to get the idea, my jumper brought up to cover the growing red tint in my face.  

"Sorry, [Y/N], but... why?" She spoke quietly for me so the attention was drawn away from us, instead eyes darting towards the bell on cafe's door; their nosiness intrigued at the next person entering inside. 

"Long story..." I sighed, deeply. "I've been trying to juggle between Jotaro and Max and it's-" 

Before I could continue, she interrupted me with another loud gasp slamming her coffee cup against the table. "There's another man?! Oh, please tell me he's nice."

Nodding sincerely to ease up her worries, I furthered the conversation. "He's good, I've been hanging out a few times with him. He keeps asking me if I'll come to his Church with him... so I'll probably go there some time eventually. But I feel bad, to be talking with one man and sleeping with another. It's not like we're dating, we're only seeing each other but..."

I took another deep breath, looking back on the whole situation from another point of view now. Was I even the good person in this situation. Was my eagerness over being with Jotaro interfering with my life and the relationships around me, or was it the man himself who began the catastrophe of these irregular events. 

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