Chapter 19

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Yn pov
But...I fainted and someone holded me at the exact moment.

Somi pov
Me and Jun came to meet yn as she isn't feeling well I think.

As she opened the door I saw her hairs messed up with her eyes half closed.

And she was too skinny today.

"Am I that pathetic?" She asked.
And started walking to the living room.

"No- oh shit" I said as she fainted but Jun was fast enough to hold her and not making her fall on the surface.

"That was fast Jun" I said being shocked.
"She is burning" Jun said being worried about yn.
I checked her forehead and she is really burning.

"Put her there" I said to Jun while pointing at the sofa.
I ran to the kitchen and took out some ingredients to make food for her.

I was busy making food but then my eyes landed on the sink where only one glass was there..

I guess she just drank a glass of milk..

"Aish this silly girl" I said and chopping the vegetables.

After few minutes Jun came.

"Somi you should do something for her to get rid of the fever" Jun said.
"I'll do it" he added while taking the knife from hand.

"Okay then" I said and looked at him for the last time.

I took a small cloth and a bowl of cold water.

I went to her and thought to make her comfortable on the bed.

I put the things I was holding on the table at front of the sofa.

"Let's go yn, I am going to gym these days" I said and was going to hold her in bridal style but Jun came out of nowhere.

"Ya, what are you doing, do you want her to fall on you and get you both injured?" He said
"Oh my is my boyfriend worried?" Somi said.
"Yes, then why am I saying, you should tell me when you're doing something like that" he said being a bit angry
"Okay don't be angry jun..I'm not that heavy" yn said...she wasn't speaking like she used too...her throat might be hurting.

"Oh you up" I said.
She was going to stand up and walk but I stopped her by holding her wrist.

"Jun, you should hold her" I said and Jun was coming to us but then the bell rang.

"I'll check it" Jun said and went to the door.

Yn pov
"Sit down" somi said to me and I did sit on the couch and waited who it is.

It might be minghao as it's 7:20 now he might be here- oh it's wonwoo

"Oh hi- oh what happened to you?" Wonwoo oppa said and immediately sat next to me and holded my cheeks.

"You're burning" he said.
I holded his hand and said.

"No need to worry oppa somi is here, and Jun too they will take care of me..I think you should rest and go home" I said.
"No it's okay I'll also take care you of you" wonwoo said.
" please take her to her room" somi said. Giving me a smirk.

At first wonwoo oppa tried many styles to take me to my room but then ended up holding me in bridal style.

When he did he said.
"Is it okay with you?" He said.
I nodded.

Then he started walking.

"Here" somi said while signalling to minghao's room.

"No" I said wonwoo stopped.

"What? Isn't this you room?" Somi said and opened it.

"No we don't share this room now we have separate rooms...mine is there" i said and pointed at my room..

Wonwoo oppa took me there and made me lay there.

He covered me with blanket and then somi came with a bowl and a piece of cloth.

She did the cloth wet and put it on my forehead.

Meanwhile wonwoo oppa was typing something while sitting at the corner of the bed.

Then my phone rang indicating that I received a message.

"I sent you the names of medicines that you should now forward it to minghao he will take it on his way" oppa said.
"Aish, no I'm not going to send him...somi can Jun buy it for me please?" I said and then Jun came inside with some food and soup in a tray while saying.
"For sure ynnn!" He said.

Time skip
Its 8pm and minghao is still not here..I got a bit worried but tried not to think of it.

We were watching a movie in which I didn't had any interest while wonwoo oppa was playing games on his phone.

"Seems like you love playing games?" I said.
"Yes, I love playing games in my free time" he said and I smiled while his eyes were still fixed on the phone screen.

I looked at my other side only to see Jun and somi being a lovey dovey couple...

I wish I could do this with my partner but unfortunately I got opposite of that.

The thoughts of him irritated me.

I closed he tv by the remote and looked at the coupl nd wonwoo.

"Let's play something" I said.
"You just got better thanks to those medicines but you're not in the state to play badminton or something" wonwoo said.
"Who said I'm going to play that...let's what you were playing oppa?" I asked.
"Hm, I was playing phasmaphobia " he said.
"Omo really? I love that game I really want to play with someone but no one plays with me, somi is always busy too" I said.
"Okay then let's play" somi said.

"I'll download it" Jun said.

And everyone have Jun a side eye.

(I think phasmaphobia is a pc game right? Let's just imagine it as a mobile game🤡)

Time skip
We all were having fun while playing trying to find the ghost.

But suddenly something scared me and I screamed.

And everyone started laughing. Including me.

But then a person came to ruin the moment.

"Hm I let's make out in my room-" he said while coming in but stopped when he saw my friend and me.

He looked at the girl at the back who came to us taking slow steps.

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