Chapter 13

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Yn pov
"Byee" my mother said to me while hugging me tightly.
"Will you be okay living alone?" I asked her the 200th time.
"Yes" my mom replied for the 200th time
"Bye jaehyun" I waved to jaehyun as he is also leaving now.
"Bye, make sure to take care and best of luck for your internship, fighting" he said.

"Okay, then let us take out leave, Mrs han" minghao said.
"Hm, you should go now take care" mom said and I nodded.

I was going to sit inside the car as minghao opened the door for me but someone stopped me.

"Yn" jaehyun said and I looked at him.

I saw his arms spread waiting for me to hug him?
Kinda weird but it's okay we are friends.

I smiled and was going to hug me.

Minghao pov
What the...
Is he going to hug her.
And is she going to hug him?
I know we don't like eachother but that doesn't mean she can hug other men at the end we are husband and wife.

Then I thought to fake call...

Yn pov
"Hello, yes Mr. Park, yes I'll inform you tomorrow, yes I'll check the files right now" after few seconds minghao hung up.

"I think we should go?" Minghao said while looking at me and then jaehyun.

"Excuse us" minghao said and dragged me by holding my wrist to the passenger seat.

He made me sit and put the seatbelt on me while saying.

"You shouldn't do this, think about your mother remember I'm your husband at the end" he whispered only heard by me.

With no expression.

He gave me the last glance and bowed to mom and jaehyun.

Time skip
At home.

We finally reached our home I ams o tired....
I took a shower to fresh up and then came to the bed to sleep.

"I think you should sleep in some other room" minghao said.
"Why, it's been 2months we are sleeping together what's the problem now?" I asked.
"No I thought you might be feeling uncomfortable?" He asked while coming to the bed.
"No I don't you can tell me if you feel something " I said.
"I can't tell that" minghao whispered which was heard by me but to confirm.
"What?" I asked.
"Nothing" he said and took the blanket on himself.

I was putting some cream on my face for better skin.
"Can you please turn off the lights?" He asked.
"Why?" He asked being annoyed.
"Can't you see I'm doing my face care routine " I said.
"You know what you should sleep in other room!" He said.

I acted shock and said.
"Wahh, right Mr.Xu minghao is kicking me out of his room then soon you will kick me out of this house right" i asked.
"Right" he said.
"Aish, rude" I said.
"I'll don't go right now but tomorrow, if you want me to move right now then you might not sleep the whole night" I said.
"Why?" He asked.
"I have to shift my belongings to the other room and that will surely make noise" I said.
"Okay, right but please do fast what you're doing" he said.
"Yes sirrr"

Next day
I took a day off from my university I don't know but I am feeling really tired today...

I woke up and minghao has already left.

I went down to have breakfast and saw pancakes with a note and orange juice.

I am leaving..seems like you're not going to university today...clean the bed please...and watch your back too..if you want anything then message me.

"Watch your back too?" I asked myself.
"What does this mean?"

I looked back but there is a wall..
I rushed to our room and looked at my in the mirror..

"Shit, stains!" I said to myself.

I was going to walk towards my drawer in which I have my things..

But I got a cramp.

"Ouch....thankfully I got the day off" I said to my self.

Time skip
I had my breakfast and also took a shower.

"Hm, he cooks better then me" I said while eating.

After finishing I watched the last episode of night has come...I didn't watch it because I was busy with my studies these days.

After watching that...I looked around.

I thought to read my book while eating sunflower's a good combination for me.

Only few chapters are left...sad

I have to buy more books..

I read a one whole chapter in 2hours. Now it's 2pm.

I thought to shift my things to the other room. I put my book on the table Infront of me.

And went to upstairs to our room..

I looked around the room and thought to check the room where I am going to stay from now on.

I went to the next room and as I opened looked like a storeroom.

He surely wanted to clean this room that's why he suggested me to have another room..

I cleaned the room in 1 and a half hour. And I got hungry so I ordered pizza for me.

Till then I thought to find something to watch.

I was busy finding when 20mimutes passed and my order is here.

The bell rang and I took it.

I started eating my pizza while watching some TV shows.

I ate two slices and put the rest in the kitchen.

"I'll eat it later when I'll get Hungry" I said.
After that I started for something sweet.

I checked the fridge and I saw a chocolate there.

I was going to take it but then I remember what minghao told me.

That I'm not allowed to touch his things.

What do I do I am really craving something sweet.

But it's been two days he haven't ate it...he will not notice let's eat it..

After finishing the bar of chocolate I went back to shifting.

The room was clean and beautiful now.

I set all my things there and looked at it for the last time...

"Well done Han y/n" I said and patted myself.

It's 7pm now.

Minghao will be here soon..

I am craving my favourite strawberry pastry from Paris Baguette. It's my favourite bakery...

I always eat pastries from there.
But who will get the pastries from there.

I thought to order it but they aren picking.

What should I do now?.

Should I ask minghao to get eat? Should I go get it myself...
I'm not in the mood to walk.

Let's ask him...I sighed and dialled minghao's number.

It rang for 5 times and I hung it up.

"He might be ignoring because it's my call" I said..and pouted.

After few minutes minghao called me.

I picked up and excitedly said.
"Hm, you were calling me?" He said.
"Oh yes, minghao I wanted to request something" I said.
"Do you again want to go to your mother's house? Okay then get ready-"
"Ya, why did you marry me if you wanted to get rid of me"
"Then what do you want" he asked.

Rude but I have to get my pastry.

"Minghao, please get me strawberry pastry from Paris Baguette" I said.
"Why??" He said being annoyed.
"I am few minutes away from home I can't" he said.
"Please please please-" I said and he hung up.

"Jerk!" I screamed on the phone..



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