Chapter 29: Hit & Run

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No One's POV:

Rushing through the woods and all the way down the tattered streets of the Dimenscape kingdom village, Chat Blanc finally takes the chance to catch his breath when reaching the castle gates. A chilling wind trickles up his spine as he felt the unwanted presence of Noah nearby. He looks up to see his master glaring bloody daggers at him with a disgruntled scowl before leaving the window.

"Took you long enough." The harsh voice of Vian startles the feline from the front door. "We've been here, waiting for you for almost an hour now."

"Sorry, I ran into... some trouble." Chat apologizes.

"Don't fucking apologize to me, asshole." Vian growls. He didn't have the Megastone but he would have easily shot Aiden down with his crossbow that was always on him, ever since losing the powerful gem. His eyes weren't their usual baby blue like their opposite's, but, instead, they were a golden yellow that seemed to shoot angrier looks with each glare, and his fangs glistening with every snarl. "Mom made hot chocolate. Now, get the fuck in." Vian then marches back into the castle.

A cold Chat Blanc says nothing and just follows his supposed comrade inside.

It wasn't any better inside than it was outside. Cold breezes lived through the halls that causes poor Aiden to shake. Little Elio began to whimper sadly from the severe temperature drop, clinging onto her holder for warmth. Aiden purrs suddenly at this, almost making him and Vian stop in their tracks, but he quickly controls himself and stops the loving sounds immediately so the other clone could notice. He places a warm, yet shivering paw on the infant for comfort.

They eventually make it to the Study, where an unpleasant Noah stood awaiting their presence. Lila sat by the fireplace, basking in whatever warmth she could get from the frozen tower, a mug of hot chocolate in her hands, marshmallows and all for the occasion. Spencer, or Penemuel, stood by the window, gazing into the distance as if searching for something. His tall figure almost towering over the bookshelves in there. Charcoal, Leon, and Zuk were by the couch with their own mugs.

Once in the Study, Noah makes his way over to Aiden, his eyes aim straight at the baby that was being held with a sort of unpleasant craze that needed to be fed. Noah slightly moves the blanket in order to see Elio but quickly snatches his hand back as if the baby had a contagious disease.

"There's nothing wrong with it?" He questions with a low breath. "And don't you dare lie to me. I'm on my last straw with you, things."

Aiden shakes his head vigorously in fear, not looking Noah in the eyes while doing so. "N-no sir. She's perfectly fine. J-just cold."

"Is that the baby?" Lila asks in a cheerier tone than her husband's, standing up and placing her mug on the fireplace's mantel. "Ooh! Let me see her, let me see her!" She lifts her hands up in a reaching motion so she could hold Elio.

Aiden carefully gives Elio over to Lila who is beaming with absolute joy. Elio on the other hand, stayed silent, staring at the woman in both confusion and an unsure hatred towards her. Although, the wanted criminal was having the time of her life, almost as if she had never seen a baby before, cooing happy noises to the baby, trying her best to make her laugh to no avail. Elio was a locked vault who just kept on staring at her.

Noah, walking towards his wife, grimaces at the sight of Lila being kind to their enemies' newborn. "What are you doing?" His scowls alerts Lila, since she had never seen him this disgusted before. "Put that thing down."

"Don't call her that!" She defends the baby, hugging little Elio protectively close to her chest. "She's just a baby. And look at how cute she is! Isn't she just adorable!" Facing Elio in Noah's direction this makes the baby cry loudly.

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