Chapter 14: Consultations

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No One's POV:

Tabitha had been pacing nonstop in her study after she had sent soldiers to look for Izuku. She had just learned from Adrien about his phone call, and was horrified to find out that their hunch was correct about the use of clones. Cole returned to the castle unscathed yet worried about his previous encounter with his old friend. He told his family and friends about it and they too became skeptical of the doctor's behavior but decided to not get too suspicious.

Although Walter was not afraid to put in his opinions.

They were now all in the Meeting Hall discussing what sort of actions they should take next. There the two monarchs, the Royal Council, both spirits; Perillia and Phillippio, Rapunzel, Eugene, Walter, Hunter, and even Yugataro were having a heated argument on what to next.

"I'm just saying that I don't trust Noah," Walter confesses whilst leaning onto the table with his arms. "He's obviously hiding something from us and we need to take some sort of action before he does something. There's no telling what he might do next, or who'll be the next target."

"And what if he's not hiding anything and we're attacking an innocent life? We need more proof." Head Counselor Pricilla informs from the far side of the wide table. "If we do this and we are incorrect then the citizens are bound to start a panic, and think that we're targeting them next. The King and Queen would soon not be trusted by the people and most likely be overthrown. We cannot have that happen because then our enemies will have the upper hand in dismembering them and the Royal Family."

"But what about Izuku's phone call?" Adrien mentions with a worried tone. "He literally told me everything before getting cut off. He said that Lila seemed to be living with Noah and they somehow made duplicates of me, Leo, Varian, and him. How can that not be liable evidence?" The feline asks the higher ranks. "It's now obvious that Noah's up to something. Not to mention the attack on my father earlier. We practically had to beg the mayor to let him live in the castle after my clone's ambush."

Cole wanted to say something in Noah's defense because he was his friend, but everything was clearly pointing towards him. There was no telling what that mad man was doing to his brothers. However, The Council was right on this one. They needed more evidence and a better plan if was right about Noah's evil intentions. The King notices her silence and ask her if she was feeling alright.

Snapping out of her daydreaming trance, Tabitha nods her head and replies that she was alright. "I'm fine." She says softly before nibbling at her nails through her laced gloves. An old habit she had formed to stop from actually biting her nails, yet Tabitha hadn't done it in years. "Just thinking."

"About what, Stardust?" Phillippio questions their young apprentice.

Shaking her head Tabitha just blows the topic off, standing up from her chair with a small groan. Her stomach was now slightly bigger than before which proved that baby inside her was no mistake for being overweight.

Cole places a hand on Tabitha's shoulder that stops her from continuing the bad habit. "What's the matter?" He asks calmly.

"I was wondering why Noah would do even do this to us if all we've done was just being his friend." The Queen ponders aloud. "You guys were compatible with him before coming back here, so why would he want to hurt you?"

No one knew the answer. Well, someone did but they weren't speaking up.

Walter stood close to the corner of the table now with a disturbed expression on his face while they talked about his previous victim. He had an idea of why Noah might be attacking them. His bullying might have changed the innocent boy's mind to a warped, angry man the longer he did so. Although there was something that no one ever knew about the two.

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