Chapter 12: Caller's Intel

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No One's POV:

"Dad, how are we gonna protect the world if we can't even find the time to help it?" The irritated voice of Max asks his father while Evie measured him for gala suit. "I mean, I don't believe that getting fitted for another new suit is bound to help us."

"We're doing the best we can Max." Cole tells his son, putting his dark vest on again from one of the changing rooms. "But we also have to take care of other matters before taking serious actions."

Shadow walks out of her fitting room with a disappointed look on her face as she held a rosemary pink colored dress in her arms. "And when's that dad? We can't wait forever," she replies. "Lila and her army could be making a move at any minute, now that they have both the peacock and butterfly miraculouses. Corona's practically in shambles after Varian's imposter attacked them, and we only have so much room in the village that—."

A small giggle came from another fitting room in the back of the fancy boutique. Tabitha takes a prideful stride out of the room, holding onto a slim black dress with a purple trim, and heads over to her family. "Honey, don't stress yourself out; everything's going to be okay, got it?" The Queen places a small peck on her second eldest child's forehead before giving the outfit to Rarity. "I'll take this one thanks." She tells the designer. "Besides, I have a few people working on this problem."

Cole raises an unaware eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asks. "Did you send spies to look for Lila?"

The Queen nods her head at this. "Yep. MK, Macaque, and Wukong came the other day after the attack and I asked them for a favor they owe me." She replies with a satisfied grin. "They're searching the land for Lila and her army while I let them stay here. No harm done." Tabitha takes a card out of her purse and swipes it in it the card reader so she could pay for the expenses. "Once we know where they are and who they're working with, then we'll be one step closer to ending this endless battle."

Cole and the kids, plus Evie and Rarity, look to each other with a tiny feeling of nervousness at how calm their leader was acting about this. It was normal... sometimes but it was also unsettling to see their friend hiding their true feelings about the situation. She was obviously stressed and with another baby on the way, it made her even more anxious. Tabitha notices their worried expression and asks them what the matter was.

Cole, finally back in his previous outfit, walks over to his wife. "Are you feeling okay?" He questions her. "You're acting weird." The King tells with a timid jump of his shoulders. "What's wrong?"

Tabitha only shrugs with a disregard to his questions. "I'm fine honey, don't worry, I'm okay." She says with a mini smile. "I'll be waiting outside if you need me." Cole's wife gives him a peck on the cheek with a witty smile before leaving the luscious building.

Evie finally stops measuring Max, walks over to Cole with a disappointed but sympathetic gaze on her face. "Talk to her." The blue haired woman tell the King. "She's obviously hiding her feelings again. Something's bothering her."

Cole sighs at her comment. "I know E, but it's not that simple and you know that. Tabitha is a closed safe that refuses to be open, no matter which combination I use. Leo and the others were telling me that whenever she was like this in their dimension, she would eventually spill, but it's been almost a month since the accident with the blade and she hasn't even peeped about it once." A strand a hair falls onto his face in which he brushes behind his ear. "She told Max that it had something to do with Phillippio but nothing else. I don't know what to do."

"It's okay darling," Rarity says calmly, walking over to the king. "Tabbi will come around just you see. Now shoo, shoo, shoo, we're not going to be able to make these outfits with you all here. Go and have fun at the festival." She was practically pushing them out the door before any of them could say another word.

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