Chapter 2: Beneath The Sand

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No One's POV:

The sounds of Cole shouting woke Tabitha up from her sickly nap. She felt clammy, nauseous, and exhausted all at the same time. Her hair was in a long knotted mess, and the large bed was covered in tissues from constantly having to blow her runny nose.

"Hey! You can't go in there!" He yells at someone. "Tab's not feeling well, so she needs her rest."

The thumping of two pairs of feet could be heard from outside the room.

"And I wanna see if I can make her feel better. I'm her brother-in-law." The voice of Yugataro proposes. "Now get outta my way."

"No way!" Cole objects. "That's my final warning, dude. Now leave. Take care of your own wife."

"She's at an important meeting with the gods!" Yugataro informs his sibling. "I already told you."

This was too much for Tabitha. She needed them to shut up.

"Boys, please!" She cries out in a raspy voice. "I need to sleep!" Her whiny pleads causes her head to ache so much that she felt the need to vomit. Pulling her bucket from the floor to her chest, the poor queen threw up a gooey green mess.

The door to her room opens to reveal the husband worriedly rushing over to her. Cole sits by her side and gently rubs her back as she let out another gut retching gag into the bucket. Yugataro stood by her, not really knowing what to do. She finally stops and lifts her face up to show the boys that she was extremely pale and sweating a ton.

"Are you okay, my love?" Cole asks his wife in a gentle voice, unhurriedly taking the bucket from her hands. He gives it to Yugataro and motions his head towards the bathroom. The dragon cringes at the sight yet does what he's told, so no more drama could start in front of the sick queen.

"I think I might be feeling a little bit better." Tabitha says, showing him a weak smile. "I can help out around the castle if you guys want. Look."

She waves her arm to magically lift a chair up into the air, but it only burst into flames. Tabitha yelps frightfully at the sight and tries to put it out with her water powers, yet it only makes things worse when the chair lifts into the air, causing the fire to spread to the desk and other chairs. Lucky for them Cole easily put the fires out with a snap of his finger. The flames were gone and everything was fixed.

"What you need to do is rest." The king informs his queen, patting her hands. "You know that your powers go out of wack when you're not feeling well."

Tabitha groans sadly and slumps down, covering her face with her pillow. She mumbles something under the pillow making her husband laugh. He takes the pillow off of her face and laughs at her pouting face.

"Hey, don't give me that face." He tells her. She continues to do so but this time adds some more effects to it. Her whimpering and puppy-dog eyes got to him. "Alright, fine. The kids and I are going on a walk in the forest for a bit. We're going to bring the animals, and even the guys with their families are coming."

"Oooh yes! Ow." Tabitha exclaims, quickly putting a hand to her forehead as her outburst ached her head. "I mean, that's great. Let me get dressed."

Cole shakes his head. "Nah. You stay here. I'll pick out something for you to wear." Before he left, the king placed the back of his hand against Tabitha's forehead. It was burning hot. "Are you sure that you're okay?"

She slightly nods her head. "Just cold... and hungry." The queen confesses with a small snicker.

Cole laughs once more while getting up from the bed. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to pack snacks. Now, you lay down while I pick you an outfit to wear. It's pretty chilly outside, so we might have to bundle up."

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