Chapter 8: Break Out

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No One's POV:

"I don't understand why I'm here. Couldn't you have gotten that dragon guy of yours to come?" The voice of Walter complains as he clumsily sneaks past a sleeping guard, almost tripping over their feet. "I'm not good at this stealth stuff and I still need to get used to my powers."

"Shhh!" Cole hushes the younger vampire. "Do you want to wake everyone up!" He whispers. "The reason Yugataro couldn't make it was because he needed to help his wife with ruler stuff." He quickly blocks Walter by placing a hand on his chest before he could walk out into the open.

Walter grunts disapprovingly at this, pushing the king's hand away. "Well what about Tabitha?"

Cole only grumbles at this. He glances around to see if no one was around so he could speak. Izuku, Adrien, and Leo were nowhere to be found. Hunter had also joined their quest to free his partner.

"Well?" Walter presses. "Why didn't you allow her to come?"

"I...," Cole gruffly sighs and relaxes his body, leaning against the cold wall. "I think... I think she might be pregnant again." He says in a softer tone with a small gaze at his friend. "I don't know how."

"Well you obviously–"

"I know what I did!" Cole hisses defensively but calms right down. "But for how long, I don't know. She might have been pregnant for months and it might almost be that time. I tried asking if she was okay but she's stubborn, and refuses to have anyone check on her."

As he spoke Walter carefully listened to him. He didn't know what advice to give because he'd never been in a stable relationship before. There had been some girls but they were only flings; nothing serious. He didn't find anything arousing about them anyway. Plus, he already had two kids to take care of and that was enough for him. Although there was the god that he had seen arrive earlier that day but he didn't know about that.

"So what are you gonna do about it?" Walter asks. "Kid number nine. Do you even want another one?"

"I don't even know anymore. We're always careful but how could this happen? Especially during this time." Cole rubs his forehead which began to ache from the stress he was under. "But that doesn't mean I won't love them. I love all my kids."

Walter nods his head.

"Hey hey hey!" Adrien's voice came from Cole's walkie as he spoke into his own. "Deku hacked into all the cameras, so you can make your way down to the 'Big Leagues'."

"Be careful you two." Leo warns the king and their friend. "There's lots of guards out tonight. I don't know why though. We almost got spotted a few times because of 'Whiskers' here."

"Hey hey hey! That was not my fault last time." Adrien hisses.

"Enough you two; don't worry we'll be fine." Cole tells them. He looks over to the second vampire with a firm expression, and nods his head. "Put the cloak on."

Walter gulps nervously before placing the Cloak of Invisibility on himself. Cole changes both their outfits into black jumpsuits with a matching hoods and masks. They both turn the corner and dash through the large cell holding area. The king had to hide in the shadows while Walter was able to rush pass out in the open.

The two of them hurry down hall and corridors to eventually make it to the Hall of Super Villains. There was a locked door in which they had to get through but it had suddenly opened when they reached it. On the other side was a miniature wolf pup the size of a small plushie with silver eyes. It happily yips when seeing the two vampires.

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