Morally Gray Shades of Happiness

Start from the beginning

But secretly? I knew I loved it, because it let me know that he held me apart from everyone else. In his world? I had my own special little place that he reserved solely for me. It also told me without telling me how much he actually loved me. So as much as it could irk me, I wouldn't change it for the world. He was my love and the father of my baby. And the man I'd be marrying in just a few short months. We were only getting around to having the party now, because after he had asked me, he'd needed to disappear on tour with the guys. But the night of our engagement was also the night that we had conceived. It was almost like divine providence the way it had happened.

He'd been so upset when I'd told him that I'd thought he hadn't wanted the baby. But before I could lose my temper, he must have realised what his reaction had sounded like. So he'd quickly clarified that he was ecstatic that I was pregnant, the reason for his upset was that he had missed being there with me as I'd found out. He explained that he'd always hoped that we would be together in the bathroom, the moment we found out something like this. He was just sad about missing it, that was all. But otherwise, he was absolutely over the moon with the news. I'd cried then because, honestly? It had been so sweet and cute that he'd wanted to be there with me when we found out.

Things had been rocky for a while, after he had beaten Ricardo within an inch of life. Not between Ruki and I, we'd been solid as stone the whole way through the situation. The rockyness had been because we hadn't known what would happen to Ruki because of the fight. So things were completely uncertain. But as Ruki had said, Ricardo had pulled through, unfortunately. But as much as I cursed that he'd survived the fight, I knew that it was the best thing. Because husband protection aside, death was death. And Ruki would have had to pay for that, no matter what.

So as much as it chapped my ass, I was glad that Ricardo had survived. Because it meant Ruki didn't go to jail. But he had been right. He'd been ordered to pay a hefty fine and had been ordered to attend mandatory anger management classes for six months. This, though, had later been dropped down to three months, when it was found that he was attending therapy as it was and there was an anger management element to his therapy, like there was in mine.

Ricardo however, had not gotten off completely. He'd been charged with attempted forcible sexual intercourse. I had the bruises from his rough handling, which further aided in his sentencing. Once sentenced, he was deported back to our home country to serve his time, with additional years added as fell in line with my home country's laws. He wasn't getting out of prison anytime soon.

So at least I'd still gotten some justice. But not all the justice I should have been able to receive. But I understood why it happened the way it did. It didn't mean I had to like it, though. But overall, the penal system had done its job and protected Ruki and I, while punishing Ricardo. So it was better than the bastard getting off scot free. And now that he was behind bars? He was no longer a danger to women in general and that brought me comfort. To know that my hell had now helped prevent other women from having to experience what Ricardo could put them through. It helped immeasurably.

I was dragged out of my thoughts and cuddling of my fiance when Reita's voice called out to us.

"Hey! Love birds, over there! Come join your party! Otherwise we're eating and drinking everything in sight!"

With a laugh from Ruki and I, we pulled apart and headed towards his bassist. I loved Reita, he was an amazing man and so funny! He killed me! But he was also loved up himself now, he had met and then fallen hopelessly in love with Kiana, my Caribbean goddess of a drummer. He had been utterly fascinated by her and her musical skill and then when he had gotten into her head? Well, it wasn't long before his eyes turned to comically large hearts. Particularly when he found out that she was obsessed with horror movies and video games as well.

A Thimble Full Of Poison - A Ruki X OC Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now