A Bloody Meeting

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A.N: Vigilante Justice and severe beating in this, guys. Just so you know. 

As I walked through the halls of the venue that Empress was playing in, I held a large bouquet of pink and yellow chrysanthemums

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As I walked through the halls of the venue that Empress was playing in, I held a large bouquet of pink and yellow chrysanthemums. They were Kimia's favourite flower and I had decided to pick some up for her, as I had made my way to where they were playing their final live for this tour. With the flowers, I also had a plush Eevee toy for her. She was a closeted Pokemon fan and Eevee was her favourite.

We'd been back together for six months now and although things were still quite rocky between us from time to time, we had started to embark on couples counselling. Not because we needed to or anything, but more for the extra support to help us get steady and stay steady. We wanted to be together and didn't want to risk blowing up all over again. It was also helpful whilst we were still undergoing our own individual therapy journeys, like a bolster in a sense. And it was already bearing it's fruit.

On the couples front we were communicating better as well as expressing our thoughts and emotions to one another in a healthy way. We were still both balls of anger but we were combatting that by taking up some martial arts. This served two functions; One, we could vent our angers in a healthy and safe way and two; we had the added bonus of strengthening our bodies health as well. The discipline was definitely helping Kim in many ways, whereas I was benefiting from being reminded of that discipline from when I had taken Judo as a younger man. It had also reminded me of the tools I could use, to settle myself and quiet my mind. I did this, mostly by taking up meditation again. Something I used to do frequently.

Kim and I were also treating one another with intention and mindfulness, which seemed to be helping us immeasurably as well. But it was all part of the hard, painful process of healing. Because we weren't just healing separately as individuals any more, we were also healing as a couple too. But it was all worth it. We wanted us. We wanted a life together and so we would do what was needed to see it happen. We'd also started casually discussing the possibility of having children at some point. Kim was only in her early thirties, so we had time.

But we had decided that we would wait until we were both better as people and also stronger as a couple. This was so that we could give any children we may have, the lives and support that she and I were never given the opportunity to have with our parents. The generational trauma ended here, and the start of our future childrens lives needed to begin with us and long before they were even conceived, never mind took their first breaths. We were excited for that coming time in our lives, when we could finally say 'Yes. It's time now, lets get started.'

As I approached Kimia's dressing room, I was torn from my thoughts and froze when I heard screaming coming from inside of the room. I could hear Kimia yelling and a man's voice shouting back. At first, I had thought that one of the stage hands had fucked up badly and Kim had just lost her patience. But then she spoke a name that simultaneously made my heart stop and my blood boil.

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